I Need Your Help

I need your immediate help; just a few minutes of your time.

Some will receive duplicates of this plea as I am mailing to all mail-lists and some are on several different lists.

We are asking all receiving this message to contact ALL members of their Congressional delegation in Washington, DC as well as President Trump.

Since 1994 we have been shipping benevolent aid to Ukraine’s vulnerable (orphans, widows, elderly, disabled, and special needs). We have helped supply medical and educational infrastructures. We have assisted in sending tons of relief items to those wounded and displaced by Russia’s invasion and occupation.

In spite of all that we have done to help Ukraine we have hit a wall. The Ministry of Social Policy (controlled by the Prime Minister) has set up a “Task Group” that is to scan applications for in-coming containers. This group was to have prevented corruption but it has penalized those following the law and provided an even greater corruption.

This “Task Group” has stalled approvals for our shipments requiring us to answer silly questions and causing our containers to incur huge demurrage and Custom’s Fees.

I was told that upon paying $5,000.00, to an unnamed person, I could have “no problem” in sending an unlimited number of humanitarian aid containers into Ukraine. This intimidating post script followed, “If you do not pay us THEN you will pay MORE in fees and penalties. You will find that it is easier and cheaper to pay the $5,000.00.”

The below report gives you one example of many instances illustrating this extortion technique. I am also attaching a second letter that was sent to the Prime Minister last December detailing another egregious crime that was allowed to go unchecked.

I have tried to work through the diplomatic avenues in Ukraine, but I am told nothing can be done.

So, this brings me to this plea—I need President Trump and the United States Congress to know the evil corruption that rules and ruins Ukraine. I need EVERY Senator and Congressional Representative to know of this issue. The USA sends millions (perhaps billions) of dollars in foreign assistance to Ukraine. IF corruption rules and ruins in the comparative small amount of assistance we do in Ukraine, just imagine the feast Ukrainian corruption has on the massive amount of foreign aid assistance sent to Ukraine! There is a great need for this assistance but corruption compromises the generosity and goodwill of Americans.

The vulnerable in Ukraine needs assistance but with the current climate of corruption they are not receiving it.

Congress is now discussing appropriations and the Federal Budget. Why send our tax dollars to fuel a feast of greed and corruption? Why fund nations that insult and smirk at American goodwill and generosity?

I am asking you to speak loudly against this evil. Our President and Congressional Delegations need to be made aware of what is happening. The Russian aggression and the corruption of Ukrainian officials are twin evils that are devilish barriers.

At this point I have stopped all shipments into Ukraine but that probably will not get any significant attention to correct the evil corruption. We need President Trump and every United States Senator and Representative to contact Ukraine’s Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman and ask how there can be trust regarding the large amount of foreign assistance from our Federal Budget IF there cannot be trust in a small amount being properly used.

Please join with me and contact your President, Senators and Congressional Representative. I know they want to know how their constituents are being insulted and the goodwill and generosity of the American People are being scorned!

Those partnering with me are positioned all through the USA. We have shipped from Texas (south) to Michigan (north), New Jersey (east) to Washington (west) and all points in-between. Because we are spread all over the map it is not correct to say this is the problem of one State—our entire nation is involved. President Trump and your Senators and Congressional Representative needs to know how Ukraine’s Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman’s evil “Task Group” is impacting those in their home state!

In order to maximize the impact, I am asking you to utilized all avenues of contact—email, fax, phone calls, snail-mail letter.

E-mail—you will find an email form on your Senator’s or Representative’s web site. It will only contain space for a brief note. So, make a summary of your concerns highlighting your concerns. Here is a sample BUT modify it to make it your “own.”

President Trump/Senator…/Representative…
I am part of an organization that has been shipping humanitarian aid into Ukraine since 1994. We have recently faced Ukrainian governmental corruption in our efforts to help the orphans, widows, elderly, needy, and war displaced. Ukraine’s Prime Minister set a “Task group” to approve benevolent shipments and this Task Group has stalled and stolen approvals. We have had to outrageous fees and fines because we would not pay a bribe. All efforts of appeal to Ukraine to correct this have failed. As budget appropriations are being made you need to know how the American goodwill and generosity are being scorned. Please help us in this fight for moral right. Please contact the Prime Minister of Ukraine and ask why his Task Group has hindered the goodwill and generosity of Americans to be insulted while the corruption of Ukraine is encouraged.
A telephone call and a letter from your office to Ukraine’s Prime Minister, President, and Embassy will be significant. American should not fund such a greedy feast of corruption through our Budget’s Foreign Assistance funding. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. YOUR NAME

Fax—you can fax the contents that will be snail-mailed (be sure to fax to every office location found on the web site)

Phone—Only a BRIEF call stating you are sending a letter expressing your concern and that you are asking for Congressional contact (by phone or letter) to Ukraine’s Prime-Minister and Embassy of Ukraine.

Snail-Mail—you need to print off your letter and then include the letter I am supplying that describes only one of many cases of criminal action by the “Task Group.”
Your snail-mail letter will be delivered only after it has been processed through the protocol safeguarding against terroristic threats. It will be received but it will be delayed. This is why you need to fax and send email as well.

Format for Snail-mail—Basically use the email message that you sent and then include my letter that is attached with this email.

I need the help of everyone receiving this email to send a message. Please take time to contact your Washington, DC Delegation. Please forward this plea to everyone in your address book. This climate of corruption needs to be confronted and corrected so the vulnerable in Ukraine can receive the assistance they desperately need. Be prepared to hear how Ukraine will use the recent naval actions in the Kerch Strait to ignore the rampant corruption and turn the focus to Ukraine’s victimization by Russia (I agree that Ukraine is a victim of Russian evil BUT I am angered by Ukraine’s shifting focus away from and ignoring governmental corruption by using the Kerch Strait incident—it seems Ukraine’s politicians know well the adage “never let a good crisis go by without using it to divert focus from one’s evil”).

Here is the PDF of my letter I need you to read and send to your Washington, DC delegation. Pass this on to everyone you can asking them to contact Washington, DC expressing our expectations that the corruption of the Prime Minister’s TASK GROUP will be confronted and deal justice!


I have MUCH more material documenting the way the Prime Minister’s Task Group has stalled and stolen humanitarian assistance from its vulnerable. If you want copies please ask and I will instantly send it to you or your Congressional Delegation.

Here is the web link to find the web sites of those representing you in Washington, DC: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials

Continue to check the missions blog page for updates:  https://www.kachelman.com/ukraine/blog/

If you have any questions please call me!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Dalraida Church of Christ

Ukraine Missions

3740 Atlanta Highway

Montgomery, Alabama 36109

Mobile| 901-626-4538