November 2018 Newsletter

Above Photo: This is the orphanage in Yaremche, Ukraine. Some of the children ran upstairs to wave to us goodbye as we were leaving from a visit with the Dalraida Church team in October. This is one of the orphanages that Jerry Max Morgan has started a vocational training so the children will have a practical life-skill when they are forced to leave.

The November 2018 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter is now available for you to download and read!

Inside this month’s newsletter you will once again find encouraging news from brethren in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. In addition to the reports from Ivan and Pasha you will read…
 Tanya’s encouraging report focusing largely on the Dalraida visit.
 News of the 2019 Medical Seminar that Drs Gary Jerkin & Ron Swang are coordinating.
 Jerry’s report on efforts to give Ukraine’s orphaned children practical vocational training so they can become positive forces after they leave the orphanage.

A note on Jerry’s work to help train orphans…For many years we have been helping orphanages with food, clothing, shoes, linens and other commodities the children need. A sad reality is that many of these orphaned children are forced out of the orphanage when they turn 18 years old. They are simply dismissed. They have not been prepared to integrate into everyday life. Consequently, they are easily recruited into criminal activities—the girls go into prostitution and are sold throughout the world in the despicable human trafficking system-the life expectancy is 18 months; the boys are recruited by criminally organized cells and are used by the mob bosses for jobs that result in their soon deaths.

Jerry Max Morgan evaluated the situation and found that these children had no working skills. He has been talking with orphanages and they also see this need but there was no help available. They are eager to assist. Through this effort we will be able to give the children life-skills as well as spiritual anchors. This will prepare them for citizenship and participation in the Lord’s Church!

Take a look at the above photo and realize that 8 out of 10 of these children will be dead soon after their 18th birthday because they had no alternative. Jerry has 3 orphanages that are being offered an opportunity!

Download the November 2018 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter and read the good news that transpired!


John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Dalraida Church of Christ
Ukraine Missions
3740 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36109
Mobile| 901-626-4538