16 February, 2019. On recent travels in Tennessee and Alabama I was constantly asked if the situation in Ukraine has changed. I am disappointed to say the situation has not improved but actually worsened.

As soon as light shines, roaches go into a frenzied scampering to find cover. This is what has now developed. But the exposure has not led to any change. We are now facing even more intimidation and retaliation from Ukraine’s government and bureaucrats.  Recent developments highlight this fact. I am sending three updates and this is the first.

28 September 2018 we loaded a container in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin with 5,430 pairs of new shoes for orphans, elderly, disabled, and the families of those wounded or killed by Russian military forces. But FIVE MONTHS later this container is still held hostage by Ukraine!

These shoes had been sent so the needy would have them before the harsh winter hit. But the shoes are still held hostage by the TASK GROUP!

The TASK GROUP has denied the release of these shoes for the most absurd reasons a human brain can invent. Do you want to see just how ABSURD and IGNORANT the denials are? Below is one example but it shines light on the low-life roaches and exposes their evil against Ukraine’s vulnerable.

17 January 2019 I received word that the TASK GROUP continued to stall approval for release. The reason was: “Benevolent organization has not met previous requirements of the Task Group, namely they haven’t provided grounds for giving that number of new shoes to end recipients providing the list of the end recipients (full name, social category, address), haven’t provided the complete list from the donor of new goods with the brand names, manufacturer, sizes, gender and the amount in each category. The consignee has to provide distribution reports on shipments received in 2018 with due documentation (invoices, acceptance and transfer certificates, etc.) Consider the request for approval in the presence of the consignee’s representative.”

We have responded to every ludicrous requirement of the TASK GROUP and now this group was asking the impossible.

Many of these shoes were going to orphanages. The population in the orphanages is fluid on a daily basis. The children are moved constantly. But now the TASK GROUP wanted to know the names and all data about these children which even the orphanages do not know! Look at the requirement—full name, social category, address, gender, and size of shoe needed for the person! If such data was even possible by the time the TASK GROUP considered the data the children would have been moved!

This reveals the “wisdom” that guides Ukraine! This is the “compassion” of Ukraine that “cares” for the needy in her nation!

The harsh winter has struck Ukraine. The shoes were intended to help the needy through this harsh cold and wet environment. But the TASK GROUP has connived to prevent this urgent assistance. At this point we are about to pull the container from Ukraine and send it to another eastern European nation that welcomes the generosity and goodwill of America. This decision will be made within the coming week. We have one last hope of a group that will be able to get the container released.

Look back in the posts of this Blog and reread the narratives of corruption (#1, #2 and #3).

I am asking you to pray that God’s Justice strikes soon the politicians, bureaucrats, and national government that oppresses the needy, innocent, elderly, and disabled!

“Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow” (Isaiah 1:17).