UPDATE #6—Abhorrent Ingratitude

Prior to the invasion, seizure and occupation of Crimea by Russia, I visited that area several times. It is a region full of history. The Crimea War (1853-1856) offers a vast storehouse of anecdotal illustrations on human behavior.

Years ago I read this in the Biblical Treasury: At the Battle of the Alma (September 1854) a wounded Russian was piteously calling for water. A certain Captain Eddington, whose heart was compassionate and kind, ran over to him. He stooped down and gave the wounded man the water for which he pleaded. The wounded man revived. Captain Eddington ran forward to join his regiment. But when the wounded Russian revived he raised his rifle, fired and shot Eddington in the back. The one who had been his friend in a time of great need was treated with abhorrent ingratitude!

One would think that such abhorrent ingratitude would have vanished with modern understanding. But it is not so. Such evil is the result of those committed to Satan and deceived by self. The corruption in Ukraine’s MINISTRY OF SOCIAL POLICY and the TASK GROUP highlights the fact that this abhorrent ingratitude still exists in Eastern Europe.

Re-read the various Corruption posts on this blog and consider how contemptuously those seeking to assist Ukraine’s vulnerable are treated. A compassion and kindness mirroring Captain Eddington is receiving the same abhorrent ingratitude.

More has developed…

In January we forced the release of a container that had been loaded in Montgomery, AL on 20 August 2018. In this container were rescue/safety hard-hats that were needed by the first responders in western Ukraine. The TASK GROUP constantly refused to approve this container for release. Finally we were told the helmets were to be considered as “commercial goods” and we would not only have to pay tariff but give them to the State. My response was simple: “WE WILL NOT GIVE TO THE STATE AND WE WILL NOT ACCEPT THEM AS COMMERCIAL.” I told them I would make a special trip to Ivano-Frankivsk and BURN the helmets and I wanted full media coverage. Soon after that message was communicated the approval and release were given. We have donated the helmets to the First Rescue Responders.

BUT now we have received a letter stating that Ukraine’s National Police have begun an investigation into the Consignee and Lord’s Church in Ivano-Frankivsk. National Police investigators have even called members of the congregation into their office for interrogation!

Click here for the PDF letter and an English translation.


The first paragraph says, “Department on Economic Protection in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region of National Police of Ukraine is implementing orders of Ivano-Frankivsk Dept of National Police according to criminal investigation #12018090010003 dated Aug 27, 2018 associated with signs of criminal actions provisioned by article 191, part 3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.”

What criminal actions are charged? No charges specified! No names of those bringing charges! The charges are imagined because the corruption in Kyiv is feeling pressure and it is doing all it can to squash the complaints.

It is pure retaliation. It is a spiteful vindictiveness. It is abhorrent ingratitude.

The REAL cause for this letter…We have dared question the TASK GROUP. We have asked Prime Minister Groysman to explain how the Ministry of Social Policy can sanction such criminal actions as our consignees have suffered. We have accurately charged that bribery and corruption are rampant in Kyiv.

And the response…intimidation and threatening on the basis that a fabricated “criminal action” has been committed!

Validating this conclusion of fabrication is an email I received:

Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 12:07 AM
To: John L Kachelman Jr <john@kachelman.com>
Subject: Re: Letter on investigations
Hello John, Was advised that everyone at Task Group are very upset at you and it seems that they will start investigation everyone and anyone who ever worked with you.

Does the National Police have jurisdiction to investigate corruption in humanitarian aid. Most definitely! As Ukraine changed from its corrupt law enforcement organization from “Militia” into the “Police” I helped connect various USA enforcement teams to go into Ukraine to train on the proper procedures of enforcement. These training sessions focused upon pursuing Truth in investigations. BUT let the National Police investigate the corruption in the TASK GROUP and in the MINISTRY OF SOCIAL POLICY. I doubt they will do this? And that failure to investigate the corruption in Kyiv is a telling commentary on the character of Ukraine’s National Police (Such causes one to reflect on Ceaușescu’s empowerment of the Securitate secret police and its heinous actions).

The National Police have been weaponized to defend the corruption in Kyiv!

The investigation by the National Police is not cleverly disguised. Anyone knowledgeable of the situation described in the last 5 blog posts knows this is not a random assignment. It is pure revenge, retaliation, and intimidation by TASK GROUP and Groysman.

I am going to send out a template for you to use and PLEASE contact every US Senator and Congressional Representative you know. Don’t just email but use every form of communication and especially snail-mail! Several in Congress responded to the initial plea but I suspect they think all has been corrected. NOTHING has been corrected—the festering infection has only become worse.

The Lord’s Church is being “investigated for criminal actions.” The Christians are being summoned for “interrogation.”  The arrogance of the TASK COMMITTEE is allowed a free course in intimidation, vindictiveness and revenge.