The above photo is the loading crew at the LRI Warehouse in Judsonia, AR after the loading of our first container shipped into Liberia!

Thanks to Charita for posting this report on the container going to Liberia. Be sure to click on the links as you will see photos of our loading containers for Moldova, the Republic of Georgia and other locations. I appreciate the energy and effort of Charita as she works to secure the best and most reliable logistics and and a smooth process for every phase of each project! Recently she and Kathy Cadden visited and we sorted misc med supplies that were on the Liberian container. Charita was introduced to southern “fried green tomatoes”!


Another good report came from Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. As you read this you will be greatly encouraged!


I leave for Ukraine this Sunday after morning worship. Frequent reports, as possible, will be posted on this blog. Pray for the situation in Ukraine. The corruption continues and the resistance of that corruption and its vindictive spite continue to be a real threat.

Let those reading this blog understand a simple fact–YOU cannot fight against God. Regardless of your money, position, or commanding authority, YOU are going to be defeated and destroyed IF YOU do not repent and obey God’s commands in the Bible. And this obedience is MORE than outward ritualism.

Read an account in The Bible that applies to this current “war.” The battle seemed to be lost but a young boy goes to meet the enemy’s giant. What was impossible for mortal power was possible because God was fighting the battle!

“That all this assembly may know that the Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands…David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine…David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone” (The Bible, 1 Samuel 17:47-50).

The question is begging you to answer: Are YOU fighting WITH the Lord God Almighty or, are YOU fighting AGAINST the Lord God Almighty? YOU will have an existence in eternity. Where you spend eternity hereafter depends on how you join God’s fight here!

I am coming to Ukraine!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.