UPDATE #9—Knowledge Makes One Inexcusable

“To one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin” (The Bible, James 4:17).

God is very clear—IF one knows that the right thing is not being done it is SIN to be silent and do nothing. It is SIN to allow the wrong to continue.

God’s prophet Ezekiel announced: “When you do not warn or speak out to warn, the wicked shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand” (The Bible, Ezekiel 3:17).

God says, when you know wrong is being done and you do nothing to correct it, you are as evil as the wicked man.

The German death-camps were within meters of German towns. The citizens of those communities could see the smoke of the crematoriums; hear the wails and anguish of the doomed. And yet they carried on their lives without interruption. When the allied forces began liberating the death-camps, the German civilians from nearby towns were marched through the awful places. The first was the Mayor of the town of Ohrdruf and his wife. After their visit, the Mayor and his wife returned home and killed themselves. The reactions of the townspeople, as they filed past the rotting corpses with handkerchiefs over their noses are forever recorded. They had knowledge but they did nothing!

I am in Ukraine. I have visited locations that have received our benevolent shipments. These beg for more. They say they do not receive enough from the State to survive. One facility houses the elderly who are mentally unstable. There are 400 living in this place. Each resident receives 64 grievnas (about $2.45) for ALL meals, clothing, hygiene items, and medications. It is impossible to live like this! There are many willing to ship in critically needed supplies but Kyiv’s government has made it impossible with the TASK GROUP.

In September 2018 we shipped a container of shoes for orphans, the elderly and the needy. Approval was refused by the TASK GROUP. This group kept delaying with absurd questions. The container was in danger of being confiscated by Ukraine because of these delays. The delays meant that our fees in Port were accumulating. Without hope of getting TASK GROUP approval we decided to send this container to Armenia. But that action was hindered by Ukraine. Odesa Port Customs (contact Michael Plotkin) refused to allow the container to leave and we were forced to pay one more week’s storage. Finally, on March 30, 2019 we got the container out of Ukraine and it is on the water to Armenia. This container arrived in Ukraine 2018’s autumn and we gave up on its release in March 2019!

And, this was KNOWN by multiple people, government officials, and agencies in Ukraine. But, like the citizens of Ohrdruf, each went on his/her way. Over 5,000 pairs of shoes could have been distributed for the harsh winter but they were held hostage because of the TASK GROUP.

The Ministry of Social Policy’s TASK GROUP repeatedly stalled and asked dumb questions causing the Port charges to increase. The total Odesa Port bill was $15,192.00 BECAUSE TASK GROUP and the Ministry of Social Policy refused to approve.

Is there any difference between the setting of the death-camp Ohrdruf and the corrupt Ministry of Social Policy and its TASK GROUP?

I remember well the intimidation stating “If you do not pay the $5,000 now you will pay MUCH more in fines and penalties.” I did not think that such criminal corruption could exist to such an evil extent in Ukraine—I have been proven wrong.

This extortion by Odesa Port has been paid. Ukraine! I ask you, is there any hope that reimbursement could be paid?

This container of shoes was shipped into Ukraine for children. Ukraine has despised these children. This is the governing Ukraine utilizes.

You are familiar with the painting; you may have seen icons depicting the story; maybe you read the narrative in The Bible, Matthew 18:1-6. It is Jesus and the children. The Lord said, “Whoever takes care of one such child in My name receives Me; but whoever abuses one of these little ones it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

The TASK GROUP decided the little children did not need shoes and the State agreed with that decision. Now…where does that place YOU in the Lord’s judgment? According to TASK GROUP’s stalling and imbecilic operations, Ukraine has no compassion for the children blessed by Jesus. Now…what do you think the Lord will say to YOU on the Judgment Day.

Armenia opened its arms to embrace the needy children when Ukraine treated such with contempt as one kicking a dog on the street. And the Lord’s words leave absolutely no negotiation on the guilty role of Ukraine’s Government in what the TASK GROUP has done. Regardless of your position in Ukraine governing, you are a part of this reprehensible act BUT YOU CAN ACT TO HALT ITS CONTINUING! This is your choice and this choice is eternally significant.

Ukraine, what have you done to the children!

Sunday’s elections in Ukraine demonstrated that Ukrainians refuse to tolerate the corruption permeating Kyiv. An inexperienced “outsider” to Ukrainian politics more than doubled the percentage of elected votes of the closest to him. We are told that change will come. But in order for that change to result there must be a purging of the corrupt bureaucrats in the system.

How sad that the current Administration came in when the nation was bankrupt and has done a remarkable job on restoring various aspects. But instead of being remembered for rescuing Ukraine this administration will be historically documented as losing its right to rule because it was corrupt. A very sad legacy.

I know these posts on CORRUPTION are read, forwarded and posted beyond my imagination. I am appreciative of those who have replied and urged more exposure. I want to send a message to President Poroshenko, it is not too late to change your governing legacy. Take swift steps now to address the corruption that has metastasized during your administration. I speak from the Humanitarian Aid perspective. Here is what you can do to salvage your historical legacy as Ukraine’s President…

Immediately DISMISS the TASK GROUP and bar each from future positions in the government. Fine the TASK GROUP and use those fines to pay all who were robbed by the stalling and demurrage!

Immediately return the decision-making to the Cabinet of Ministers’ Humanitarian Aid Commission

Immediately DISMISS any Customs officer/staff proven to have invited bribes and vigorously pursue his criminal punishment.

Immediately DISMISS anyone in government offices that has violated Ukraine’s Rule of Law and bar such a wicked person from future positions in the government. Prosecute and put into prison!

Make these matters of publication to the nation. Your successor is going to do these things, and more. You have a month to demonstrate to your nation that you refuse to tolerate corruption in any person or any office in Ukraine and that YOU are not a part of corruption.

For those who look to bribes and benefits of personal gain because of your government position…you need to realize a very basic fact of life: Life is too short here and too long hereafter to compromise what is true! It does not matter how wealthy you are HERE; it does not matter what status you have HERE; it does not matter your election popularity HERE. What truly matters is that HERE you are preparing for the HEREAFTER!

Understand that knowledge makes one inexcusable: “To one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin” (The Bible, James 4:17). You are knowledgeable of the corruption that has ruined Ukraine. That knowledge makes you accountable. Be sure that just as the citizens of Ohrdruf had to see the horrors they had allowed; such a day of Judgment from God is coming for those who allowed Ukraine’s corruption to exist.

John L. Kachelman, Jr