Report #6—April 3, 2019

The Above Photo: Nana leads us in a hymn as the Wednesday night Bible study begins. To get the panoramic view imagine this number on either side.

Ever since arriving in Ivano-Frankivsk there has been constant activity focused on the problem of corruption that has suspended our shipments of benevolent aid into Ukraine. All shipments that were to have gone into Ukraine have been redirected. Today we loaded a container of new shoes from Menomonee Falls, WI that was going to Conakry/République de Guinée! Thanks to John Morrison for continuing to find these shoe donations! This shipment had 4,230 pairs with a product value of $524,520.00 and they were donated free!  The container of shoes that we pulled out of Ukraine’s Odesa Port has about 1,200 more pairs of shoes in it (5,435) and it should arrive at the Armenia destination in 10 days where distribution will begin immediately as contrasted with Ukraine which received that container last September and refused to release it and so we finally moved it out of Ukraine in late March before Customs would steal it! A special thanks to Charita and John M for moving this while I am 5,000 miles away!

We continue to highlight this corruption and stress that it has harmed Ukraine’s vulnerable. More meetings are scheduled with those concerned.

In addition to the constant situation of dealing with corruption in Kyiv, we are enjoying periods of study and fellowship with the Lord’s Church in Ivano-Frankivsk. The Wednesday mid-week study was attended by a good number but Ivan read a long list of those unable to be present because of illness and other situations.

The World Bible Institute has been studying Denominational Doctrines. Spencer Ross, the new coordinator for all overseas extensions of WBI, began teaching the course while I was still in Kherson and Zaporozhe. The testing on the course is set for Thursday and as usual the instructor is being asked what questions are on the test. This course has history and many dates and Spencer says that is the source of most questions.

Pray for our on-going efforts!

John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Thanks John Morrison for a load of shoes from Menomonee Falls, WI that is on the water and going to Conakry République de Guinée!
Ivan making closing announcements at the mid-week Bible Study assembly.
Vova and Julia send smiles to YOU!
Khristina sends her greetings to the Dalraida group that came in October. She’s a 4th year linguistic student and about to graduate!