Report #11—April 9, 2019

The Above Photo: John and Emmanuel are discussing various parts of the medical seminar and how the congregation can be of best assistance.

The second Ivano-Frankivsk medical seminar is about to launch! The theme is “The Great Physician—The Heart Factor.” Emmanuel’s Help Motherland International is the NGO that is organizing this event. Emmanuel is especially concerned that the Lord’s Church receives attention from this event.

Gary Jerkins, Ron Swang and John Durham have been working on this project ever since last year’s seminar closed. They have recruited an exceptional team of medical professionals who have paid their own way and taken personal time away from their medical practices. They are coming and sharing basic medical techniques with the medical students. Last year was the first seminar that was arranged by Gary, Ron and John and it was a phenomenal success. This year’s seminar has more medical professionals coming and a greater student involvement! As I post this report the group is on the train from Kyiv and have an ETA at the Ivano-Frankivsk train station at 7:35 am tomorrow.

Our Bible study each evening is going very well and great interest. Tonight, we had 12 that attended. There are still a number struggling with illness (fevers and congestion).

The evil forces that worked to prevent the registration of the Ivano-Frankivsk Church of Christ have once again begun persecution. Recently the Church was highlighted on the Regional television as distribution of Family Buckets was being made. This benevolent action stirred the hatred of those who did their best to destroy the Church and then prevent its registration. Once again malicious slander is being used to accuse false criminal actions. At this point only Ivan’s family is targeted. Even though it is false you can understand the anxiety that burdens them.

Please continue praying for our on-going efforts!

John L. Kachelman, Jr. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine