June 2019 Newsletter

Above Photo: This is a group photo of those attending the retreat and camp that Mike Lawson directed. We rejoice to hear that several we know were immersed in this summer’s various camps. Another great event at camp
was the graduation of WORLD BIBLE INSTITUTE’s first class in Ivano-Frankivsk!

Here is the June 2019 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter!

Read the June 2019 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter and rejoice in the good news that has occurred!

There are several reports offering insight to the various works that are on-going in Ivano-Frankivsk. This month’s report highlights a number of works that are essential to the Church but often overlooked. Three of the women gave the meeting place a deep cleaning, organized the books, repaired songbooks and Bibles and cleaned the seating. Then the men tackled the monstrous “GIANT HOGWEED” that was all around the construction. The stalks of this weed grow 12-14 feet high and its sap can blister skin and blind eyes! It is truly a poisonous plant!

To read the June 2019 Newsletter open this PDF…


During these past weeks two special friends passed from this life. Dave Walden was a good friend and a constant supporter of our mission efforts. Talking with Dave was always an encouraging time. Larry LaBrot was a good friend and I performed his marriage ceremony. Both Dave and Larry lived in the St. Louis area and were “just kids” when I went to Southside in my first located work.

John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Ukraine Missions

3740 Atlanta Highway

Montgomery, AL 36109

Mobile| 901-626-4538

“The greatest trees stand today because some NUT held his ground!”