Photo: In the midst of the horrors of Russia’s invasion and occupations of small parts of Eastern Ukraine, we shipped in a container of shoes that was distributed to those in greatest need. Thanks to the Union of Paratroopers of Ukraine and Association of Paratrooper Veterans of the Vinnytsia Region we were provided the essential military escorts and assistance in this distribution. “Almost 3,500 of citizens of Donbass want to thank you for the aid. These are towns of Zaitseve, Mayorsk, Bakhmutka of Bakhmutka District and the town of Luhanske of Svitlodarsk District in the Donetsk Region.”
July 2019 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter!
Perhaps the key word for July is “resumption.” Thanks to many who receive this newsletter and their response to our pleas for help we have been able to resume two significant actions:
First, we have resumed shipments of benevolent commodities into Ukraine. In this month’s report you will read multiple references to this. One of these reads, “Recent positive changes in Ukraine brought in new regulations and a new way of processing humanitarian assistance. We immediately grabbed the opportunity and shipped two containers to try a new route. We are happy to report that on July 24th, both loads were successfully delivered to Ivano-Frankivsk, UA. And with that, we have officially restarted our Ukrainian projects.”
Second, we have resumed the construction of the Ivano-Frankivsk meeting place. We have received enough responses and are resting on anticipated pledges so that it is comfortable enough to resume. The final part that allowed us to resume is the flat (apartment) that one offered as collateral for the remaining funds to be given. We needed to resume construction now so the project could be dried-in before winter’s arrival.
Read the July 2019 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter and rejoice in the good news that has occurred!
19-07-July-Monthly-NewsletterUkraine Missions
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Montgomery, AL 36109
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“The greatest trees stand today because some NUT held his ground!”
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