Our National Calamity!

Our nation has been shocked by inhumanity and evil. Mothers are beating their children to death by hammers. Mass shootings are the norm. Recently the city of Chicago recorded 90 shootings in one weekend. In California a knife wielding maniac killed and wounded many. Guns, knives, vehicles, tools have been used to destroy lives. Do we outlaw all such “weapons of opportunity”?

Many appear to be puzzled as to WHY such atrocities are pandemic. In response we see ridiculous rationalizations and damning denials of personal choices for these actions. The ones committing this evil are not responsible but it is the inanimate weapons that are at fault. We are told IF we eliminate the weapons we eliminate the evil. This preposterous conclusion is ignorance gone to seed!

Below is an exceptional article published by The Federalist. I read it and was very impressed and want to share with as many as possible.

Here is a brief excerpt: “(T)he only sensible question to ask is, what has changed? Instead, politicians and pundits ask all the wrong questions. Do we have too many guns? (We always have.) Are video games and movies too violent? (They always have been.) Do we need more laws? (We have more than we can keep track of.)…Destroy the family, abandon the community, raze the church to the ground. What could go wrong? Everything.”

Here is the article and I ask you to read it yourself. The answer to the WHY is simple…we are a nation that has killed God, Family and the Church. A total failure of responsibility in respecting the boundaries that God’s Word has clearly established.
