Ivano-Frankivsk Construction Up-Date 23 September 2019

Above Photo: Workers move bricks as they complete the second floor bricking in preparation for installing trusses over the last section.

Here are two snippets from Andrew and Ivan on this project. The full 2 page report is in the PDF below.

“Greetings, brother John.

“I hope that you are doing well. We want you to rejoice with us at the success of our construction. First of all, I would like to thank our brothers and sisters for their prayers and financial support. It is because of this great giving that we were able to meet the 15 September deadline on payment. 

“Our gracious Lord has blessed us with good weather. With that blessing and together with the workers we, the men of the congregation, put up the roof trusses over the assembly hall. It looks very nice and spacious. I hope you and others visiting with us soon will like it, too, when you come and see it with your own eyes. 

The workers receive and use materials on time; thus, we are not behind the schedule, but are keeping up with it.

“I hope that we will continue getting funds, materials and enjoying good weather, but first and foremost is our plea for God’s grace. It has snowed in the mountains this week and it is very cold now. So, we cannot help being concerned for the opportunity to put in doors and windows, power and heating. Without these it will be a great challenge to do any interior work….” Continue reading below.

” We continue building and at this point are almost done with the outside walls and separating walls on the second floor. Wood for the roof of the whole building will be delivered next week. Then we will install roof frames and insulation and then we will put metal tile roofing on. We pray to God to allow us time to roof the whole building over before rain and snow come. Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your prayers and financial support. “
