Newsletter September 2019

Photo: A photo taken on Sunday 08 September at the Ivano-Frankivsk Church of Christ. The men had gathered for a prayer and afterwards this photo was taken. John Durham had arrived and began a series on the Romans Epistle.

September 2019 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter!

The September 2019 Ukraine Missions Newsletter is now available. We have three reports from Ivano-Frankivsk discussing the activities of the Church in this month. September begins a busy schedule for the congregation. There will be three different emphases during September-October.

Returning from a visit to Ukraine was brother Jerry Morgan. He had travelled with his son-in-law and grandson. They had gone for the purpose of assessing the beginnings of our efforts to teach orphans viable life skills that will assist them to be integrated into the community as a productive citizen and provide a connection to the local Church so they will have a critical spiritual connection. Jerry sent me this brief note:

From: Jerry Morgan <jmaxmorgan> “Good news is that the three of us had an outstanding trip. We have 7 fledgling training schools going.  Some have already had graduates. Jerry”

Thank you to all involved in so many aspects of efforts seeking to glorify God and highlight His Church!

Here is the PDF September 2019 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter!



John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Ukraine Missions

3740 Atlanta Highway

Montgomery, AL 36109 Mobile| 901-626-4538