I have arrived in Kramatorsk, Ukraine! Getting up at 4:10 am and rushing to the train station and sitting 6-7 hours on a train is not the way most spent their last Saturday. But this is how it went for me! I have now arrived in Kramatorsk and was met by Vladimir Paziy. Once again dear friend Vlad braved the rain to greet me and take me to the hotel. This stay will be brief and a longer stay would do much to encourage the congregation and partner with them in their work for the Lord.
While in Kramatorsk I will be able to share three lessons with the congregation (at the Sunday 10:00 am and 5:00 pm assemblies). Beginning Monday-Tuesday I am scheduled to meet with a number of contacts regarding our benevolent efforts. There are several meetings scheduled with military contacts who are very interested in assisting our efforts to provide relief and support to those who have been devastated by Russia’s invasion and occupation. I am very eager to discuss the problems and issues that led to our suspending shipments into Ukraine.
After beginning at such an early hour and a day of exhausting events I am ready for a good night’s sleep. The weather has changed and you can feel a cold north wind blowing! It has rained often and after a drought stricken summer in Montgomery it is wonderful to hear the rain storm.
Pray for our on-going efforts!
John L. Kachelman, Jr. Kramatorsk, Ukraine
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