Report #4–October 6, 2019

Photo: The words on the wall in the assembly room of the Kramatorsk congregation say, “God sees the heart.”

Preaching in Kramatorsk, Ukraine October 6, 2019

Sunday October 6, 2019 dawned with a COLD north wind blowing. I received photos from Ivan in Ivano-Frankivsk showing a snowfall that came early. All day long the temps seemed to be getting colder.

Ivano-Frankivsk Snow October 6, 2019

The worshiping assembly was encouraging. The Kramatorsk congregation has always been a refuge from the world’s traumas and brothers and sisters display the affection that you expect to find in God’s Family. The sudden cold and illness kept several at home but there was still a good number present. We met at 10:00 for worship that was followed by classes. We returned at 5:00 for an evening assembly for those who had to work in the morning hours.

There were several new faces that had become a part of the congregation since I had last visited. In spite of the cold weather it was a wonderful day!

On Monday we begin visiting and making meetings that have been scheduled with authorities regarding our benevolent shipments. Vlad is to meet me at the hotel at an early hour so we will not have a late beginning! I am scheduled to remain in Kramatorsk until Tuesday evening and will the return to Kyiv on the late train. I arrive back in Kyiv at 11:57 pm and will take a taxi to the airport and from there connect with a flight to Ivano-Frankivsk.

In Ivano-Frankivsk we will put the finishing touches on the schedule and plans for the 9 mission team members who are coming from Dalraida!

Pray for our on-going efforts!

John L. Kachelman, Jr. Kramatorsk, Ukraine