Photo: I arrived at the Ivano-Frankivsk airport and was welcomed by a group from the congregation. L to R is Ruslan, Marina, John, Pasha, Andrew and Ivan
I have arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk! It was a long and exhausting two days of travel. I left Kramatorsk on the night time train and arrived in Kyiv after 11:00 p.m. then took a taxi to Borispol where I waited to board a 10:00 am flight to Ivano-Frankivsk.
I was looking forward to a shower to wash off the travel but when I arrived at my lodging I was told “no water today.” So, business began as soon as I got the bags unloaded! We began discussion on the schedule and plans for the mission team of nine from Dalraida. It was good to hear that some specifics have already been finalized and a general schedule is formed. I was told there is a “little problem.” Monday is a day celebrating three holidays—the “covering of Mary,” the Defender of Ukraine, and The Cossacks’ Day. This means that all public organizations are shut down. We had thought to begin our English classes in the schools on Monday but now that has changed and we begin Tuesday. Plans are being made for activities on Monday.
Our mid-week Bible study began and it was good to greet the members once again. We had 18 present for the study. I continued my study of Philippians that I started on the previous visit. This night the text was the amazing 2:5-11.

It was announced that tomorrow there was to be a delivery of 17 Metric Tonnes of wood for the building’s roof. The congregation is doing all it can in saving money so part of this savings is that we will unload 17MT of wood! Also it was announced that tomorrow we needed to go to the storerooms where Clarkson KY’s containers are stored and move the hospital beds, mattresses and other items the hospital will keep into one section and then move all that the congregation in Lysets will keep into another section.
So, at this point tomorrow is full—unloading 17MT of wood and moving hospital beds from one section to another! Too bad the Dalraida team’s arrival is still days away…
Pray for our on-going efforts!
John L. Kachelman, Jr. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

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