Photo: The Dalraida Ukraine Mission Team 2019 on a bus leaving the airport and going to the train station!
Our group has arrived minus 4 bags lost by the airplane baggage system!
They began with a delay leaving the Montgomery airport. This delay caused them to miss their connection in Atlanta.
They made the Atlanta connection to Amsterdam. I heard they were boarding in Amsterdam and then Gif sent word they had taxied to leave and a passenger got ill and the plane had to turn around. Sonya is one of the interpreters and had been sent to Kyiv to meet the group and take them on the train into Ivano-Frankivsk.
Here are the messages sent back and forth…
Sonya: 11:07 “Leaving for the airport”
Sonya: 12:29 “Flight is delayed till 2:14”
Gif: “Just landed in Kyiv. Someone on the plane got ill and slowed us down. FYI it was not one of ours that got ill.”
Simba: “I didn’t even know that happened for I was sleeping”
Sonya: 3:22 “4 have come through”
JohnK: “Where are the other 5?”
Gif: “Missing FOUR bags. We’ve got it under control. Delivery to be tomorrow in Ivano-Frankivsk”
Sonya: 3:50 “All good. Going to eat”
Sonya: 10:14 pm “We are on the train!”
Before she went to Kyiv, I met with Sonya and discussed trying to herd 9 Americans who were jet-lagging. She said that in Kindergarten classes the teacher has a rope and each child holds on so as not to get lost. I did not think we had any Kindergarten kids but then I received this photo of the group at the restaurant where Sonya took them to eat. She captioned it “We are having fun!”

Pray for our on-going efforts!
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
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