Report #18—October 19, 2019

Photo: Here is a group from VYMPEL who presented John with the VYMPEL pennant at the VYMPEL conference in Kyiv.

The days are so crammed with activity that it is difficult to keep the reports posted. Saturday began taking seven of our Dalraida team to the Borispol Airport and starting them on their return trip.

The first group has successfully returned to Montgomery, AL!

As soon as I could see the last team member clear passport control Tanya and I hurriedly found a taxi and rushed to a conference where I had been invited. This conference was hosted by the organization VYMPEL. It has an interesting history and I have been associated with them for a number of years. I have had some interesting missions involving actions in Crimea, Donetsk, and other locations.

The conference Saturday discussed some of the potential missions. I was honored to be a part of a room full of Generals! They presented me with a pennant of the organization and are eager to rejoin our efforts. It had been five years since I was last with some of these guys. They have promised to help deal with those on the TASK GROUP who have committed criminal actions and cost us much money and deprived thousands of Ukraine’s vulnerable of critically needed commodities.

This meeting was another that highlighted the overwhelming support we have among a number of influential groups that are sensitive to Ukraine’s needy. I have often heard positive comments about how the USA is now interested in the criminal corruption that became so dominant we had to suspend shipments of benevolence items. I want to emphasize again that the epicenter of this criminal stalling and extortion was in Kyiv’s TASK GROUP. You can look back in these posts and find a list of the names of those on the TASK GROUP that flaunted their anarchy.

For those reading, rest assured in the words of Longfellow’s poem “Retribution.” In four lines we find this classic prose speaking volumes about God, man and life’s end:

“Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience he stands waiting, with exactness grinds he all.”

Such a reality ought to send daggers of fear into the hearts of those profiting from criminal and ungodly actions–God’s justice WILL get you! The wise reader grasps this truth and follows God!

Pray for our on-going efforts!

John L. Kachelman, Jr. Kyiv, Ukraine