Report #21—October 23, 2019

Photo above: John and Victor

This will be the last regular report filed on this trip. There yet remains a number of actions and meetings but I will report on these later instead of posting on this public avenue.

My last week has been filled with meetings and discussions about the conditions for and extent of future operations in Ukraine. These have been very encouraging and communication with Zelensky’s administration is doing a heroic feat in addressing the corruption that has characterized Ukraine’s previous administrations. Please pray that the legal actions being pursued will continue to expose and then punish those who have acted with evil intentions. These have caused tens of thousands of deaths, starved the vulnerable, refused to offer clothing and shoes to the naked. These have pursued bribes and punished integrity. Such behaviors will not escape the wrath of the Almighty God.

Such evil arrogance is not isolated to this Eastern European nation. This evil is sadly observed in every nation and every governing system! Such evil cannot be ignored!

I have described the organization in Vinnytsia in a number of previous trip reports and monthly newsletters. Victor is associated with the Paratroopers Union and holds a position with them. This is an organization that facilitates connections all over the nation. This organization has enlisted the military to offer our distributions security in the war zones in the east. They have offered assistance in some phenomenal ways that have gone unrecorded. It is always a pleasure to join with the military because we will achieve the mission regardless of the issues confronting us and trying to stop us. For the new readers of these posts you can go back to newsletters and read reports that describe our efforts. Two of these will be July 2018 and August 2018 but there are a number of other references.

As I have been smothered in meetings in Kyiv, Gif and Simba have been steady in their tasks in Ivano-Frankivsk. They concluded their efforts there and are on the train to meet me and be a part of some more meetings. I received these notes from Gif & Simba…

“Our day Tuesday was another busy one. Andrew and Ivan had to travel to Kyiv to meet with John and some government officials so we were left with Ruslan and Pasha to discuss the budgeting for several hours. Ultimately, the goal is for the Church here to decide how every dollar is spent once they receive it. They want to be wise and use it effectively, but there also is a great desire to help every person that asks. We told them that it would be great to have unlimited funds but sadly that’s impossible which creates the need for this budgeting process.

“Even without the whole group, we were able to make some progress and continue to lay the foundation on which the men will build once we leave. In the late afternoon, we visited the school where Anya teaches English. We had hoped to go last week with our group but unfortunately the dates and times did not coincide well (her class only meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-6). We promised her that we would come since the group had not been able and we were very impressed! The students love her and we were able to teach them a little as well. While we were there, we also met a familiar face: Sasha, Simba’s translator from last year, also teaches a class there! We were able to spend a few moments with his students as well and enjoyed getting to catch up a little.

“Wednesday was spent in the early part of the day visiting with the girls who translated for us last year and enjoying each other’s company for a short time. We met in the afternoon with Ruslan and Pasha again (Andrew and Ivan are still on their way back from Kyiv) to discuss the letter that has been sent from the elders at Dalraida as the translation was finished around lunchtime today.

“We were not able to go in depth since they had only just received the letter and because only two were present, but we were able to read it together and answer some of the initial questions about it. Overall, the men understand the need to do what the elders have asked and are willing to take on more responsibility as leaders in the Church. The letter is being made available to the entire congregation.

“In the evening Simba taught the Wednesday Bible class on the book of 2 Timothy. Sonya has worked overtime translating for us and she has done a fantastic job. She is probably looking forward to the 10-hour train ride more than anyone simply because she won’t have to translate for that whole time. I plan to keep her awake by asking her to read every billboard we pass. I will report back if I survive. Gif & Simba”

Early Train to Kyiv

As we close the postings for this trip, I want to thank you for your constant prayers for our efforts. Now let us pray that God will use the actions of these last two months to glorify His Name!

John L. Kachelman, Jr. Kyiv, Ukraine