Madagascar & Panama!

Above Photo:26,000+ pounds of 40+ hospital beds, medical supplies and clothing was loaded out of Judsonia, AR and is on the water steaming for Madagascar!

CORRECTION: In an earlier update on the construction of the Ivano-Frankivsk building the address for the Dalraida Church of Christ was incorrect. The CORRECT address to send funds to help us complete the roof-over is 3740 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109. We have corrected that on the web site but wanted to make a general announcement for those who receive the posts by subscription. Here is the corrected PDF:



Earlier this year we were contacted by this nation asking for assistance with hospital beds, medical furnishings and other commodities. Arrangements were made for a container of humanitarian aid to be shipped to Port Toamasina, Madagascar from the Churches of Christ International Warehouse/Life Resources International in Judsonia, AR. The commodities will be distributed in Madagascar at the Hospital Center De Soavinandriana. The representative from Madagascar working with us was Ms Rosine Ghawji. She is the Founder of Working Mothers for Donald Trump International; Co-Founder of Tennessee Women for Honest Government; and Chair of American First Federation for Donald Trump International.

This was the first benevolent container shipped into Madagascar and we are anxious to see how this goes. The Dalraida congregation supports a mission point in Madagascar and it is exciting to realize that if this first container is received and distributed with integrity by the government then we will be positioned to ship a container for our brethren in that nation.

As usual the Judsonia crew did an excellent job in preparing for the shipment. On Wednesday (30 October) they completed the loading within the two-hour time period (in spite of the trucking company changing delivery FOUR times!).


Larry & Betsy Brady have been involved in Panama Missions for a long time! Larry has coordinated and planned activities that has brought the Lord’s Church respect and recognition in this Central American nation (see Their work is overseen by the Salem Church of Christ (Honoraville, AL).

Each year they have a hectic October packing “Christmas Joy Boxes” for the orphans, children in a cancer hospital, and needy families. They then load these into a cargo container and ship into Panama where distribution occurs.

Earlier this year Panama Missions lost the facility where they worked. Fortunately the warehouse that Dalraida is renting is large enough to offer space for Panama Missions.

Throughout October these brethren were sorting, wrapping, packing and boxing 1,000+ shoe box gifts. They also had collected a large amount of clothing and bedding for displaced people in refuge camps in Panama. These were all loaded into a cargo container on Friday 01 November. The container was packed tight and is on its way to Panama.

Thank You to all who are involved in every facet of this ministry–donors, sorters, loaders, distributors, coordinators!