January 2020 Newsletter

Above photo: 2 containers are distributed in Nigeria to IDPs who received blankets brought by CURE (WestArk church of Christ), loaded by the College Church of Christ (Searcy, AR) and the Dalraida Church of Christ (Montgomery, AL) and coordinated by Dr. Zik!

The Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk worshiping 19 January 2020.

January 2020 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter!

The 2020 January UKRAINE NEWSLETTER is now ready for you to read. Several factors have contributed to its tardy post (including a new design of our website!).

There have been a number of encouraging developments for the Lord’s work during January. Good news has come not only from those partnering with us in Ukraine, but there is steady communication from brethren in many countries.

Perhaps this comment from Ukraine provides a good summary of our efforts: “We always pray and assist those whose hearts are full of sorrow and feel abandoned. There are many in this condition and this helps us spread the Word of God in Ukraine. We pray and ask the Lord to give you hundredfold for everything you do for us.”

Open the January newsletter and rejoice in the great good being accomplished!



John L. Kachelman, Jr.

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