February 2020 Newsletter

Above Photo: Weekly assemblies and Bible studies continue in Zelena even in the midst of winter’s snow!

February 2020 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter!

The 2020 February UKRAINE NEWSLETTER is now ready for you to read. The COVID/19 pandemic has had an amazing impact and we are still in the midst of the emergency protocols that have brought most daily activities to a halt. My spring mission trip to Ukraine was beginning and I was on the way to the airport in Nashville, TN when I received an urgent message from Tanya that authorities had told her Ukraine would follow the USA nd close its borders to new arrivals.

A few days later the following update was received from Tanya: “Greetings dear friends and brethren! Here are reports from February. Sorry for delay. There have been several factors to cause that. One of those was moving to a new apartment and having repairs done there. And the main thing, the talk of the whole world, is this corona virus. Things have gone crazy here since the beginning of the month. Our President in his address yesterday talked about restrictions and they are very strict. In fact, it’s the law now and those breaking it are going to be fined. You can still get things delivered to your place and the food stores should keep their routine. As for restaurants/cafes/gyms/entertainment complexes, etc. all that should be shut down. There can gather no more than 10 people in one place. He specifically addressed church ministers and asked them to take heed. So I’m not sure what we are going to do on Sun. I think we still can have Wed class since there are usually about 10 in attendance but worship is under a big question mark. I’m personally planning to stay in during this week and if Sunday worship is on I will go. I might take a walk a day but will try to stay away from people. I think I’m being driven into hysteria to some extent as well. But pray to God asking Him to protect all of us and for us to see if the virus is really so bad or if this is  just a political ploy to cover up actions/events. Who knows… We have some cold spells coming next week with freezing weather so I hope it will kill the virus. You all stay healthy and don’t forget to wash and sanitize your hands after being outside.  Love and hugs to you and yours, Tanya”

Open the February newsletter and rejoice in the great good being accomplished!
