Dalraida Sends PPE’s to New York (WAKA)

Dalraida Church of Christ Sends Thousands of PPE’s to Harlem Hospital in New York

April 22, 2020 (Alabama News Network)

by Alabama News Network Staff

Brandon Hardin is a nurse that answered New York City’s call for help with the Coronavirus pandemic. Brandon is in charge of a 147 person nursing unit that works specifically with Coronavirus patients.

In a phone call last week, Brandon’s life long friend and Youth Minister at Dalraida Church of Christ Will Tucker says Brandon expressed to him the shortage of mask, gowns, face shields, and gloves. Brandon said the nurses had to wash, sanitize and reuse PPE equipment.

That’s when Will made a call to John Kachelman at Dalraida Church of Christ. The next day they loaded up seven big boxes of PPE’s and shipped them to Harlem Hospital. “As Christians, we are called to serve one another, and what better way can we serve our community and our nation than providing whatever means we can,” says Will.

The Church had these items stockpiled from donations they have received over time. They are now out of PPE equipment , but are still shipping other supplies to areas in need.
