Photo: The Church of Christ in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine is pictured after spending a work day cleaning up construction debris at the site where their building is slowly being completed!
The 2020 June UKRAINE NEWSLETTER is now ready for you to read. This newsletter communicates update reports on several actions of the Lord’s Church during the month of June.
Here is a recent email that Ivan Skoleba sent, “Greetings, dear brother John. Thank you for your letter and encouragement. We really look forward to your visit because there are a lot of people in need of humanitarian support. The administration, hospitals, Medical School and individuals from different areas turn to us for help. We know that America is facing a trying time now and the Americans themselves are in need of help. But your Christian hearts have always been open to the Ukrainians. Thank you very much for your efforts to resume humanitarian shipments for us and for the glory of our Lord and the Holy Gospel. As for our today’s assembly there were 17 in attendance and 24 worshiped online with us. Some still feel scared to come to church due to high fines. There should be 1 person per 4-5 square meters and the distance between people should be 1,5 meters. Thus, some join us online and the rest come to church.”
Open the JUNE 2020 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter and read of the encouraging actions that took place during the month.
20-06-June-Monthly-NewsletterWe continue sending updates on other actions that are not included in this month’s newsletter. Be sure to check the website often.
John L. Kachelman, Jr.
Dalraida Church of Christ, Ukraine Missions, 3740 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, Alabama 36109
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