July 2020 Newsletter

Above Photo: Ivan and Nana. Nana has been attending the Ivano-Frankivsk Medical Institute. He was graduated this spring but the pandemic prevented him from leaving Ukraine. During his tenure as a student he learned the gospel and became a Christian. He would often lead singing in worship.

July 2020 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter!

The 2020 July UKRAINE NEWSLETTER is now ready for you to read. This newsletter communicates update reports on the actions of the Lord’s Church during the month of July as the COVID-19 pandemic is still in control. There is a brief report from, Immadi about the pandemic’s impact in India.

The Church in Ivano-Frankivsk continues to work in the community. Here is a brief report and photo that Ivan sent. It was though the generous donations of brethren that Luda could be helped (and in the report you will see that several others were helped because of special donations that were sent).

“Brethren, thank you for your help! Luda was in our class last night. She is a children’s doctor. It happened so that she broke her arm and doctors had to put it together twice because it didn’t grow back together as it should. Luda is thanking you for humanitarian aid and asking you to pray on her behalf.” (Ivan Skoleba) 

We continue sending updates on other actions that are not included in this month’s newsletter. Be sure to check the website often.

I also want to urge you to visit brother Bill Lockwood’s website https://americanlibertywithbilllockwood.com/ and subscribe to his YouTube presentations. Bill brings a focus of sanity to the chaotic anarchy that is wreaking havoc in the United States of America. Bill is foremost a Christian and gospel preacher and you will appreciate his biblical insight into our situation.

Here is July 2020 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter:


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