Attached is a script used in a recent guest appearance on a podcast (AMERICN LIBERTY with Bill Lockwood). I urge you to:
BOOKMARK Bill Lockwood’s Web Site: https://americanlibertywithbilllockwood.com/
SUBSCRIBE to Bill Lockwood’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bill+lockwood+american+liberty
The YouTube podcast will be posted soon and you can listen to the discussion Bill & I had on this issue.
The current anarchy that is fostered by the Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the anarchist ANTIFA groups in large metropolitan communities is IDENTICAL to the anarchy that decimated France in the 1790s. Then as now, the anarchy is largely being embraced by the controlling groups in politics, society and economy.
The bottom line is simple…such results only in TERROR. This past week has reported BLM/ANTIFA groups marching into the suburbs demanding that home owners “Give us your house”! We have heard the Democrats say that “reparations” for slavery must be given. We have been reading daily of the “cancel culture” that is destroying the historic fabric that has woven our nation’s greatness.
We are in a war. Some may say it is a cultural war but ask those in the metro areas if it is only a war of culture…their homes are being seized, they are being dragged out of cars and beaten, and a myriad of other felonious crimes are perpetuated but the mainstream media is not reporting this. I suspect that had the Dems put on a real convention we would have seen MUCH worse than we saw at their 1968 convention!
The-Reign-of-Terror-Redux-2020John L. Kachelman, Jr.
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