23 August 2020
Bill Lockwood
America Was Established as a Christian Nation. Our Founding Fathers with one voice so labeled it. Why? Because America was founded upon Christian principles. This does not mean that there were a certain number of Christians as opposed to non-Christians in the country at its founding period; still less does it mean that our Founders established a “theocracy,” nor had a “state-sponsored church.” What did they mean by saying “a Christian nation?”
Many ill-informed people today in the universities and schools insist that this was established as a “secular society.” This mistake changes the character of our nation.
Special Guest: John Kachelman, Jr. (Christian missionary, writer, preacher) from Montgomery, AL. John emphasizes that, just as in Hosea’s day (of the Old Testament), once a people forget God, the entire system in the nation breaks down. This means that if America is to retrieve its greatness, it must turn to God once more.
American Liberty with Bill Lockwood is a weekly radio program about the culture of America—not just about politics.
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