From the catastrophic event of Pearl Harbor 1941 comes a challenging message to Christians in 2020!

I have authored another article that has been posted on AMERICAN LIBERTY. Here is the link for you:
As our nation enters the finals days of an election that will decide the destiny of our Republic it is critical that people NOT think they are absolved from responsibility to stand up and engage the Progressives/Liberals who are attempting to destroy our nation’s foundational principles. As John McArthur has well observed, HOW can any Christian support and vote for a political party’s platform that is advocating the heinous sins condemned in Romans 1? Such support encourages the devilish evil.
In fact, Inspiration offers this blunt statement regarding those who encourage religious, moral, social and political evils:
They know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them. (Romans 1:32)”
Here is the link to Bill’s website:
Be sure to subscribe to Bill’s YouTube channel as it provides insights as to how the biblical pattern applies to our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness! The link is:
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