Earlier this year we (CURE, LRI Judsonia, AR, Charita Shteynberg (NJ), Jerry Morgan and Jerry Moore (MS), Kathy Cadden (MS) and I (AL) were asked to respond to several pleas for help arising from the frantic impact from COVID-19. Among the many there are a few that stand out in my mind: shipped two loads of PPE to hospitals in NYC and NJ; worked to collect and ship a fully functioning 70-bed field hospital unit; we received and distributed to the Alabama Emergency Team over 40,000 pounds of disinfectant bleach that a group in Canada had donated to us; and, we responded to pleas from the Northeastern Wampanoag Tribes.
From these actions we were able to partner with some good people who are focused on assisting the needy.
This week, Charita and I have received several emails with an amazing offer. I’ve combined these into this one message:
Greetings John and Charita,
I hope this finds you well and continuing your great service. Can’t tell you how great it is to have a chance to work with you and your team again!! Y’all (I can talk Alabama, right?) were a great breath of fresh air for me on my earlier turn with the federal donations team, and I so hope this proves useful to you and your mission.
I am back on the donations team, and an offer came to our attention that may be of interest to you. We’ve a donor that asked us to help move 10 truckloads [approx…260 pallets] of hand sanitizer to international recipients. It’s 65% alcohol base gel in 8 oz. bottles, packed 12 to a box, 225 boxes to a pallet. Attached is the SDS for the technical detail (PDF). The expiration dates are approximately 2 years. It is packaged in a flip-top plastic bottle. It is palletized 4ft x 4ft and stacking is not recommended.
Let us know if this interests you…cc to Cheryl, who’s handling this donation.
All the best, Hank
Here is the SDS:
Aquagenics-Hand-Sanitizer-SDS-65-1This is offered for international distribution. Would your mission point and humanitarian aid efforts want to receive a container of this? It would be 20 pallets of the product. Your brethren could distribute to hospitals, schools, clinics, public administration offices, etc. This would provide a greatly needed service to the communities in which you work. PLUS, it would highlight and enhance the respect and reputation of the Lord’s Church in the community.
We are on a time-sensitive schedule in which this product must be moved so your immediate response is urgent.
This is an amazing offer that can do so many good things in so many different directions!

Here is what you will need to do:
- This is on FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis.
- Secure shipping funds from Napierville, IL to your international destination (Charita will be happy to provide an estimate BUT we cannot book until the shipping charges are paid). All logistics will be from Napierville. IF you want to arrange your own shipping and transport you are welcome to do that as well.
- Secure the necessary documents permitting your organization to import this as “humanitarian aid.” Scan and send those documents to me.
- This product is available to ship to ANY INTERNATIONAL nation that is permitted shipping from the USA.
Please respond quickly!
John L. Kachelman, Jr., UKRAINE MISSIONS, john@kachelman.com
Charita Shteynberg WORLD OF CONNECTIONS, charita.sht@gmail.com
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