Above Photo: The snows of February are routine in the villages of the Carpathian Mountains! Here is a photo of some enjoying the “storehouses of heaven” (Job 38:22). Note the house in the background as firewood is used to add a layer on insulation against the bitter cold.
“Against the background of the COVID 19, the Church is functioning and, thank God, we are growing a little. We rejoice that there are those being added to our congregation…So, you see how important it is for every Christian to be involved in being light, salt, and leaven for the Lord’s Church!”
This comment is from Vladimir Paziy’s report that is included in the February 2021 UKRAINE MISSIONS newsletter. Along with Vlad’s report are several other reports that are wonderful. Great work continues to be accomplished in spite of the hurdles and hindrances that Satan throws in our way.
I am currently in Ukraine and will be sending back reports as often as possible. You can access these on my website or you can subscribe and receive the reports automatically as they are sent.
Click here for the February 2021 Newsletter
21-02-February-Monthly-NewsletterThank you for your prayers, support and encouragement in these efforts!
John L. Kachelman, Jr. Dalraida Church of Christ Ukraine Missions, 3740 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109