Report #5 – March 5, 2021

Above Photo: We enjoyed a wonderful lunch with Andrew Ivanovich. Andrew has done so much to get our building to where it is now. He has recently been elected as the Mayor of Yaremche. Seated at the end is Peter who recently returned from a 7 month visit to Brooklyn, NY. Peter is our new point of contact in this Region. (Seated L to R: Tanya, Andrew Lagno, Peter, Ivan, Andrew Ivanovich)

Photos: The photos are included in each post BUT at times they are too large to be seen properly. Thanks to my son, these photos are being placed into a photo gallery that is embedded below. You can go to the end of the post and see the photos or click on one and it begins a slide show.

Friday began with a telephone call saying the trip to the appointments in the mountains was still scheduled but I would need to wear very warm clothing because it was to sleet and snow and it did so. All day was a beautiful winter scene.

One of the BEST starting points of the day was Masha cooking a big pot of borsch for me. She is Volodya’s mom and always has a great smile.

The day on the road began when Ivan and Andrew came. It was going to be a day that would take me to Yaremche, Mykulychyn, and Lysets. Following the day’s travel we would assemble for our evening class at the meeting house.

It is important to know that Ukraine is trying to change from a centralized government to a governing where the Oblasts and Regions have more control. This de-centralization has been sought ever since the dissolution of the USSR, 30 year ago. It is only now that it is becoming a practical reality.

The first stop was in Yaremche. For years we have worked in this location with emergency medical relief, orphanages, schools and hospitals. A number of reports have been published about efforts here. Andrew Ivanovich has recently been elected as the Mayor. Andrew helped us with the initial efforts of construction—using his lawyers to argue our legal rights before the Supreme Courts in Ukraine to be registered and to build the church house. He had his lawyers secure the documents required for construction. He volunteered these services and without these we would be “dead in the water.” The very first congregational retreat that Ron Swang, Gary Jerkins and John Durham funded was held at Andrew’s hotel/restaurant in Yaremche. With our past history of work and knowing our sincerity and ethics, Andrew says he is eager to help us even more with his newly elected position. We are also more than eager to assist his vision for Yaremche. We discussed a number of actions and are excited about these possibilities.

Andrew treated us to a wonderful western Ukrainian meal that included a first course of pickled mushrooms, various salads, salo and bred, then the traditional Banish (a grits-like texture served with friend salo and cheese), then a big bowl of borsch, and then a thick-cut fried pork steak with roasted potatoes!

We also visited my good friend Anatoly Romanovich. Anatoly has been a longtime friend and was the Mayor of Starry Lysets. He was always eager to invite me to the Village Day of Starry Lysets and has made me an official citizen of the village. He jumped to our rescue a number of years ago when several containers were about to be confiscated. He is a trusted friend who has “had my back” from military, governmental, political, religious and civil machinations. Anatoly is interested in fairness and is opposed to any attempting to corrupt efforts for selfish purposes.

Ron Swang put in a dental clinic in the village with items we shipped and around that was built a fully operational clinic that Anatoly would show with pride always giving credit to the Church of Christ. He provided the Church a meeting place in the Starry Lysets administration building and Volodya began the work there. I could go on and on listing the many things that he has done to assist our efforts.

Many Americans have visited with me and enjoyed the Village Day events in Starry Lysets.

With decentralization Anatoly was promoted to a position where he is now the Mayor over multiple villages. He is eager to continue our association and cooperation.

Anatoly extended an official invitation for me to attend this year’s Village Day. The celebration will be for the three Villages—Starry Lysets will be 605 years old; Lysets will 487 years old; and the other village will be 460 years old. Plus, this year is the 30th anniversary of the freedom of Ukraine from the USSR. So this year’s Village Day celebrations are significant.

The main office for this consolidated Village is Lysets. This is where Volodya and Julia work and where the Clarkson, KY brethren are involved.

As we returned we quickly picked up the materials for tonight’s Bible study. Our lesson tonight was how Scriptural vision helps to build a great Church. There were 9 present in-person and a number listening on their phones. I think the class is going well and trust the lessons are helping to communicate some practical values to those listening.

During the day I received word that financing had been wired and a load of medical supplies is scheduled for loading out of Montgomery! We have been waiting for this news since late November! Charita is working with a tentative schedule to load on 18 March at 10:00 a.m. Freddie and Gif are coordinating the loading so those reading this in Montgomery, please let them know you will assist!

It was a full and exhausting day, but a very good day. The cold is to remain with us with each night’s lows being in the 20s.

Thank you for your interest, concerns and prayers!

John L. Kachelman, Jr. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine