June 2021 Newsletter

Above Photo: June 28, 2021 the Dalraida Church of Christ received 288,288 bottles of hand sanitizer. This was the group that responded to the call for help. They had just unloaded 144,000 bottles and were waiting for the second truck to arrive! L to R: Freddie Johnston; “Gif” Gifford; Seth Martin; Dwight Davis; not pictured but present was Larry Brady who works with Panama Missions and Doug Schofield. We are in process of distributing this donation throughout our network of contacts!

Here is the June 2021 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter.

Another month has concluded and incredibly we have begun the second half of 2021. In this month’s reports you will read of the wonderful works our brethren are doing in Ukraine. There are a number of specific examples of the good progress being made.

Anya has sent several encouraging reports on the trade schools that are in progress in nine different orphanages in Ukraine. I am thankful to JERRY MAX MORGAN for launching this invaluable work. As you read Anya’s reports you will read that several have been graduated from the orphanages BUT NOW they leave prepared for a job in that location. This is a new work, and it is still developing. There are so many positives that can result from this effort.


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