Report #1—September 26, 2021

Hello from Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine! I left Montgomery, AL Friday at 10:30 am and arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine Sunday at 1:35 am! Currently I am searching my mind for Saturday—it has been erased!

After a long layover in Kyiv, we boarded a flight to Lviv where Volva and Julia would meet us and drive us to Ivano-Frankivsk. We made the connection but I thought we would never get there—Volva needed propane to fill up the vehicle’s tank and several stations had propane pumps that did not work. We finally found a working pump. But were told the station was closed because the attendant wanted a break. Eventually the attendant decided her break was over and Volva and started on our way. About 30 minutes later we were stopped at a railroad crossing. I told everyone I did not think we would ever get to Ivano-Frankivsk. But we did.

And now I am in Ivano-Frankivsk but I feel like I have been run over by 15 trucks and the last one just parked on me as he was prevented from passing by the railroad traffic gates! The trip over was relatively smooth with no delays, no problems and no missing bags. But…there is only ONE American here instead of THREE! ☹

The ever changing COVID-19 impact upon international travel is beyond confusing. It is just not possible to get clear directions and a universal protocol.

One thing is required—you must have a NEGATIVE COVID test. This is required by some even if you are vaccinated. Others will allow the vaccination card. But there are several that still want to see the test results that you do not have COVID. This the required testing.

The three of us going on this trip met Thursday at a clinic in Montgomery, AL to get the tests. Mine came back full negative. Caleb’s came back negative for COVID but positive for flu. They decided to test him again and this time ran just the flu spectrum. It came back negative this time so Caleb was full negative. Chip’s came back POSITIVE. They took it again and it was POSITIVE. He was crushed at this development. He decided to go to another clinic the next morning and have the swab test again and again it was POSITIVE. At the time Chip called me to report his third POSITIVE, Caleb called saying that he awoke feeling bad and the first flu test must have been correct. So, the trip quickly turned from 3 into 1. This had an impact on the airline tickets, the cash we were taking in for construction, to the daily schedule, to the sermons and classes planned, and to the assignment and actions in the various villages. Basically, the entire plan fell apart. But it would have been MUCH worse had they travelled and became ill in Ukraine.

Chip and Caleb are praying and planning to come as soon as they get the “clear” from tests. This should be around October 8 and gives them several days cushion. Chip has prepared and was so excited about the trip. He had obtained two USA flags that had flown over the US Capitol and was going to present these. He was planning a two-week tour but now he will have to whittle it back to one-week. Please pray that this new schedule will work.

If plans work out, another two traveling to Ivano-Frankivsk to close the trip with me. Gif and Nate will arrive for the final week of activities. We will return on October 24.

Several have asked about the impact of COVID in travel because they will soon be running that gauntlet. Here is a brief report on what I experienced and what “might” be their experience.

I had no problems on the flight and Ukraine entry. This time Passport Control in Ukraine did not ask me to download a tracking AP on my phone (although the Delta counter agent in Montgomery said it was required, but all he had was a paper and no knowledge of this). I showed the negative test sheet in Montgomery, Atlanta, and Kyiv. At Passport Control in Kyiv they wanted to see the negative tests results, my insurance cards and passport. Upon presenting these they passed me through. There was a testing station before you go down to baggage check but I just walked past them. I noticed that some people just walked into the testing station because it had a large sign “COVID TESTING HERE.” There was no official direction for travelers to go to that station. Those who entered were given a test, charged a fee, and then sent on their way.

I had to complete 2 forms regarding COVID on Delta prior to landing in Amsterdam (in much the same way we used to complete the customs forms before entry). I completed the two forms but they only took one.

So, there were no problems with the negative test sheet. Some had vaccination cards and were able to enter with those but others had to get a negative COVID test paper even though fully vaccinated.

The bottom line regarding travel in COVID times…this mess is fluid and every ticket agent, Customs agent, airport security agent is his own law.

Thankfully I had no trouble entering as I did in March. I sailed through Passport Control, COVID scrutiny and found my check through bag lazily going in circles at baggage control.

There were a number of captain-to-cabin announcements about COVID regulations. A number were amusing. One that I remember was mid-way over the Atlantic Ocean. The captain come on com and said, “We want to caution you about COVID. Do not shake hands but rub elbows.” Another on the Kyiv to Ivano-Frankivsk leg announced in translated English, “Due to distancing situation when you are standing in line to use toilets please no feeling the person in front of you.”

Just as I was about to board the international flight from Atlanta to Amsterdam I received an email confirming a loading that will be shipped by the USADoD to Nigeria. We have been waiting on this confirmation for months. It is to load this coming Tuesday (28 September)! Then we have another long-delayed loading schedule for the next week that will go to Moldova. Thankfully Freddie and Gif have stepped up and will coordinate these two loadings. If you are in the Montgomery, AL area and can help, PLEASE do so. You can call the Dalriada Church office and get the details you need.

Today is the “Lord’s Day” and there is great anticipation of the joy found among those gathering to worship! More on this later. Caleb was scheduled to preach today and his lesson will be missed!

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that makes this mission trip possible!

John L Kachelman Jr Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine