Report #4—September 29, 2021

Featured Photo: At Mid-week Bible study Ruslan, John D, Koyla, Volva

Today was a wonderful autumn day and after the sunset the temps became very chilly. So far, no rain has fallen. Today was spent running around Ivano-Frankivsk and getting “housekeeping” chores done. I went to two notary offices and several other administration buildings. Dealing with bureaucracy is never enjoyable and always frustrating. Today was no exception.

The mid-week Bible study tonight was encouraging. I taught a lesson from one of my favorite texts, Psalm 46, “God is our refuge and strength…we will NOT fear.” Several commented on how that passage was a real need in their lives. We had a good number present plus there were several listening on their phones.

Tomorrow begins early as we go to the hospitals and then visit briefly Mayor Anatoly in Lysets. This coming Sunday is Village Day for Starry Lysets and Anatoly has extended us aa special invitation. It is at that time I plan to present Chip’s second US Capitol flag to mayor Anatoly.

What else in the world is going on?? Charita is juggling a number of actions while I’m enjoying vareniki, borsch, and black bread. Here are a few communications that crossed our emails just today.

We have confirmed the Montgomery Moldova load for next Tuesday but Dr Zik’s Nigerian load did not happen as planned and hopefully it will be loaded next week (this one is scheduled through the DoD and there are numerous offices that are involved and when one drops the ball the entire process fails).

Haiti earthquake: A number of you sent funds to assist in the procuring, processing and shipping of these supplies. These were all orthopedic surgical items that were specifically requested. The shipment arrived via airlift on 09/25 and the consignee (Haiti’s Minister of Health) was notified on 09/27

Our POC was Dr. Ron Israelski:

Ok thanks. Dr Colimon, now that this soft goods shipment has arrived please as you have instructed can u follow up with the minister Clement so you may receive. Thanks so much Jessy. This shipment has much needed OR equipment including for wound care, open fractures, etc. I can send you pictures of the two shipments that we sent from orthopedic surgical industry and a few hospitals. Those arrived and are being utilized. I have no confirmation of arrival of the shipment that you arranged. Thank you Charita please check on this and inform me if you were told it arrives at Amerijet in Haiti.


Ghana: Many of you regular readers know our beloved brother Emmanuel. He and I met in Ivano-Frankivsk where he was attending Medical School. He completed the courses and returned to Ghana this summer. Just before I left on this trip I was contacted by a large nursing home management who had heard of our work. They are offering us the beds that are swapped out at their facilities. Charita posted these beds as offered and Emmanuel sent word of interest.

Hospital Beds offered to us for distribution

There were many communications and I have combined them for your reading.

Hello dear Charita, thank you dearly for your email. 

Please, I have cc this email with Hon. Annoh-Dompreh, Member of Parliament of Ghana and Majority Chief Whip. Please, we are highly in need of your offer and even more to donate them to deprived health facilities in our country. Thank you for the great service to humanity across the globe. We are thankful to you and your organization as well as supporters for the exemplary humanitarian assistance program.

Sorry for the delay in response.  I had emergency surgery at the private hospital where I am currently working prior to my Government posting to start my 2 years Mandatory Internship hopefully next month Lord willing. 

In relation to this Cargo, I contacted Hon. Annoh-Dompreh Frank (MP, Majority Chief Whip) since he is a very good Member of Parliament who is seeking to help the deprived health facilities within his Constituency in Ghana. So we will be very grateful if you could send this Cargo through him as requested for him to get the waiver without attracting taxation.  For this project, he has agreed to sponsor all the cost involved and donate them to the deprived health facilities. And as always as i do, i will follow up with it throughout the process and ensure the needed feedback as required is provided timely to you.

As you are already aware, I returned to Ghana last year and just successfully completed my Ghana Medical Board Exams.

Please, let me also state that, I have known Hon. Annoh-Dompreh Frank to be one of the exceptional Politician that we can trust. He is truly a man you can trust and I can highly recommend.

I am truly grateful to you, Mr. John L. Kachelman for your agape love and support of humanitarian assistance you provide to us through my NGO in Ghana and Ukraine in the past. Thank you all for your love for God and humanity across the globe. Your exemplary humanitarian mission continues to inspire many of my colleagues both in Ghana and Ukraine as well as other countries that they want to emulate same. In fact, your partnership is about to be strengthened more so together we can be a vessel for God to serve humanity in many different countries as my core Team members from Ukraine are setting up branches in their HOME COUNTRY. God richly bless you all. I praying this project will go through successfully to pave way for more collaborative projects in future. Thank you. I am truly grateful for your support. God bless! Yours sincerely, 

Emmanuel Kwaku Nimoh, MD, CRA, RGN.


How are you? Good news to start a day with, Ternopil finally got approved and is being delivered. This leaves only one cargo that is stuck in Kyiv that has not been approved by MOSP. Wish you a good and warm day! HUGS

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that makes this mission trip possible!

John L Kachelman Jr
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine