Report #8 – October 3, 2021

(Featured Photo: Worship in Ivano-Frankivsk on the Lord’s Day, October 3, 2021)

Many observe when visiting congregational worshipping assemblies here, “This is really no different than what we do back home.” It should not be surprising. If we follow the same instruction manual it will be the same. Following only what the New Testament teaches about the public worshipping assemblies will result in the same practice. It is only when we begin to think how the worshipping assemblies can be “improved” that deviations and divisions occur. Sadly, some from here have visited worshipping assemblies in the USA and have told me they were shocked and must have been in the wrong assemblies. The assembly today was larger than last week but there were still some out because of sickness.

Last week, I was told that the Wednesday trip to Zelena was cancelled because Bogdan had been in the hayfield and it was a hot day and he drank some cold well water and drinking the cold water gave him an illness. But he is better and I plan to go this Wednesday. Caleb Colquitt, from Dalraida, is hoping to travel next week and he will be posted at Zelena; I hope to go and make arrangements for his stay and activities. I am looking forward to being there and speaking as planned last week. I asked Caleb to design his lessons on “The Church of the Bible,” emphasizing that the Church is not restricted to any national border but designed by God to transcend all borders.

Grandfather Ivan and grandson David read the Bible!

Because of illness several of the children were not in class. There is a photo of Ivan and his youngest grandson (David) reading the Bible. I’ll put it here and think you will appreciate it. As Ivan would read, he would move his finger from word to word. David mimicked this as you see in the photo.

A moment for the museum of memories:
a grandfather reading the Bible to his grandson!

The fellowship and joy of the worship assembly today was wonderful. I gave greetings to the brethren here that many of you have asked me to relay to them. They are very grateful for our common faith that binds us together in a wonderful fellowship of God’s own possession!

Following worship, we were off to join in Starry Lysets’ Village Day—this celebrates the village’s 605 years of existence! (This is determined by the earliest court records so the actual date of the village founding is probably much older.) The official beginning of this village was in 1416. More on this event in the next report!

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that makes this mission trip possible!

John L Kachelman Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine