Report #9 – October 4, 2021

Featured Photo: Starry Lysets celebration of its 605 Village Day! The official date of the village’s existence is 1416! In honor of this history I presented a flag of the United States of America that had flown over the nation’s capitol in Washington, DC. At the presentation was Tanya, Mayor Anatoly Romanovych, me and Vova preacher of the Lysets’ Church of Christ.

Who is “CURTIS SHIDELER”? This has been nagging me all day long. Why? Because I am wearing an undershirt that has this name printed on an iron-on label and attached to the inside collar. I’ve been wearing it several days but this morning I happened to look at the neck as I was putting it on and discovered the name. But from WHERE did it end up in my belongings? It is a very nice undershirt and I’m thankful for Curtis sharing it with me but I would like to know exactly how it became a part of my wardrobe. Now, I am aware that in certain institutions one’s name is ironed into clothing articles—but I do not think I’ve been a resident of any of those institutions. But here it is, I am wearing it and have no idea who “Curtis Shideler” is or how I got this shirt…

Our involvement with the village Starry Lysets began 14-15 years ago. It came at a time when we were about to lose 4 containers in Kyiv. Ivan was feverishly working to save these containers. We needed a place that would store these. “Somehow” he met Anatoly Romanovych. Anatoly offered an empty building and did not ask for anything. It was offered free! Anatoly was interested only in our objective to get the contents to those in the greatest need. That meeting led to a wonderful relationship. Brother Ron Swang built a dental clinic in the village. Around that dental clinic was built a triage first-aide station. From that first-side station developed a full care medical clinic that is the envy of many villages in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. In fact, it was this clinic that caught the attention of Mayor Lubov in Ugorniky who offered the Church a prime plot of land upon which the Ivano-Frankivsk Church of Christ is building an operations complex that will take the gospel into western Ukraine and the neighboring nations. And it all began with Anatoly’s gracious offer of an empty building to rescue four containers in Kyiv!

From the initial meeting we have been very involved in Starry Lysets. When the devastating floods struck in 2008, we were able to be so effective in relief efforts because of the close communication and coordination of Ivan and Anatoly.

Previous campaign trips have had mission teams working in Starry Lysets’ schools as they teach English during the day and at the Palace of Culture as they present Bible lessons in the evening.

The Village Day is an annual event and it is often observed while some of our teams are in Ivano-Frankivsk.

A number of events are scheduled for Village Day. Whenever I am present Anatoly always asks me to come up and be recognized. One year he presented me with a plaque saying I was an honorary citizen of Starry Lysets. At other times I have had a plaque engraved and presented it to him for the Churches of Christ. This year I was able to present him a flag of the USA that had flown over the D.C. capitol. This was possible ONLY because Chip McEwen had tirelessly worked to get this flag and a certificate with Anatoly’s name on it. This was given in appreciation for the great partnership that has existed between the Starry Lysets village and Churches of Christ. The certificate and flag will be displayed prominently in the Village and as such is a constant reminder to the village of how beneficial the Lord’s Church has been to them and their Oblast!

During the day’s event Mayor Anatoly mentioned that the Church of Christ was constructing a complex on the main highway in Ivano-Frankivsk. Several came to me and said they have seen the construction and wondered who was building it and now they know it will be a blessing because of the Church’s reputation.

The day concluded by wearily leaving and returning to Ivano-Frankivsk. Monday promises to be another full day scheduled with a number of activities.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that makes this mission trip possible!

John L Kachelman Jr Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine