Featured Photo: Petr, 85 years old, obeys the gospel’s message!
Today I witnessed a modern-day illustration of Acts 19:18-20:
Many of those who had believed kept coming, confessing and disclosing their practices. And many of those who practiced magic brought their books together and began burning them in the sight of everyone; and they added up the prices of the books and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver. So, the word of the Lord was growing and prevailing mightily.”
The text refers to Paul’s ministry in the midst of Ephesus’ pagan culture. All actions focused on Self; on making money; on gaining status. Many had a profitable income revenue in doing that which was contrary to the Laws of God. However, they were willing to give up all that was gain to them in order to obey God’s directions (See Philippians 3:7-11 for another example of this devotion). What the Ephesians did, proved their conversion; it illustrates what repentance unto salvation involves. Sadly, this message is seldom heard in today’s self-absorbed culture.
Let me introduce to you “Petr.”
Petr was introduced to the Dalraida mission team in October 2019 when we visited the Village Zelena. He is 85 years old and is the “patriarch” of the village. He has a gentle nature, a kind smile, and a gentle disposition. While the Dalraida team was gathered at Bogdan & Gayla’s for an unbelievable meal, Petr made his presence saying he wanted to meet these Americans that had come into the village.
After the group left the village, we continued work there placing Doug Schofield and Caleb Colquitt on a daily schedule to teach in the school’s classes and to continue Bible studies in the afternoon at Bogdan & Gayla’s house or at Taras & Gayla’s house. They talked more with Petr and had good conversations but Petr was hesitant to obey the gospel. After we left Ivan continued the study sessions. Eventually Little Petr & Tanya were immersed and then Bogdan. On my visit in March, Gayla was immersed. Ivan and Sveta continued the Bible studies and worship in Zelena. There was constant contact with Petr.
In March, after Gayla’s immersion, Ivan was told that Petr wanted to be immersed. I thought this was great news. However, in talking with Gayla (Petr’s daughter), I learned that Petr had a “business” in the village and throughout the mountains—he made moonshine! Gayla very bluntly told Petr that he could not be immersed and continue his business. She said that such was a disgrace to the family and insult to God. Petr would become angry and leave. Ivan continued teaching and talking with Petr but no commitment was made to stop his business.
While visiting Zelena today, Ivan sent word that he wanted to talk with Petr as we were visiting Bogdan & Gayla. Petr came and we discussed a number of points regarding immersion. It seemed that my showing Petr the reference in Acts 19:1-12 of the twelve who had been wrongly immersed and thus needed to be immersed by the one-baptism of the Great Commission, helped Petr understand that one being immersed by “any” baptism is not accepted by God. And, just because one is immersed does not mean that one is immersed by the baptism commanded by the Lord for salvation.
Then we discussed his “business.” Acts 19 continued to teach critical points. The Ephesians obeyed even though they were making money by ungodly and unscrupulous means that gave them prestige in the community. These had a desire to be right with God, and this desire prodded them to obey even if they had to stop certain practices. This easily explained what genuine repentance in the Bible involves–if one is living ungodly and practicing lifestyle choices contrary to God’s commands, he must stop those actions. Ivan pointed out that even though Petr was making money and had a social status, it was not right with the Bible’s teachings.
Petr decide that he would stop his business. He said he will do it no more. He is finished. And then he asked Ivan to pray for him that he will find friends because all of his friends are connected to his business.
Petr made a courageous decision that touched every aspect of his daily life!
Gayla immediately began filling the bathtub for the immersion. She put on the stove pots of water to get heated and then filled the tub. Ivan and I worked together to immerse Petr into the Lord for the remission of his sins.
Much more could be written about the study, the conversation, and the background involved. But I think this sufficiently provides the major points. This illustrates very well the biblical command for all to show “repentance unto salvation.” What a wonderful way to conclude the day’s events—one demonstrated his desire to obey and illustrate his submission to the Lord by turning away from Self!
And the results are history repeated: “So, the word of the Lord was growing and prevailing mightily.”
Thank you for your prayers and financial support that makes this mission trip possible!
John Kachelman Jr.
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
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