Report #18–October 11, 2021

Featured Photo: Inna Valentiynivna and John standing at the entrance of the clothing give-away center in Kherson.

On November 25, 2020, the Judsonia LRI Crew loaded a container of clothing that was shipped to Kherson, Ukraine. But there is so much more to the story than that! Charita and I had received word that one of our associates had a truckload of school uniforms in south Arkansas. These were new items and were being donated. We just needed to pick them up. Eldon England and his brother Steve jumped in to answer this need. Eldon drove a truck pulling one of Steve’s trailers and picked up 27 pallets of new school uniforms. Since the Judsonia warehouse was full, Eldon parked the trailer on his truck business. We waited for shipping to become possible but it was waiting in vain. After a year+ Steve needed his trailer and Eldon needed to begin clearing his business. We contacted Eugenia in Kherson asking if she would take the clothes. We chose Kherson because shipping there was less than to other locations. Eugenia was delighted to do so. The Judsonia LRI group was able to scrape together some funds to help in shipping and we were able to get the cost covered. So, we FINALLY loaded the donated school uniforms and shipped into southern Ukraine.

There is a clothing bank where clothes that we have shipped are given away. The room for the clothing bank is donated by a businessman in Kherson (Yuri Rozhkov). Yuri wants to help the vulnerable in Kherson and wants to assist us. He has been a major factor in much of what we have done in this region. He has hung a banner in the room that says, “Kindness will Win!”

People can easily make appointments to come and get clothing. However, there is a limit on how many kilos each can get on a visit. There are not any restrictions on the number of visits one can make, but these qualifications have been set to maintain orderly distribution and prevent a mob attitude of greedy grabbing when a large group is present. It is a good and workable plan. A lady sits and records the items and weight that is taken at the appointments.

The new school uniforms are loved by those getting the clothes. In this clothing bank we also offer shoes and children’s toys that have also been in our shipments

These distribution photos complete the circle of loving benevolence that began a long time ago with a phone call and offer of a truckload of new school uniforms! Thanks to ALL involved in making this such a wonderful success and a very bright positive for the Lord’s Church!

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that makes this mission trip possible!

John L Kachelman Jr Kherson, Ukraine

Feedback on the train trip…it is so nice to be loved…

  • “Trying to understand – you do or do not like the trains? ? Blessings, Brother. Tommy”
  • “Haha. You need to write a book. Larry”
  • “This report sounds Miserable!!! Haha!! Hope your day is better after ending the train ride. Bekah”
  • “Only those of us who have experienced it know the truth of your observations…especially the toilets…on my first trip to India, the toilet actually was open to the tracks below! Praying for continued success. Regards Bob” (Note to Bob—yes these also open to the tracks below!)
  • “Been there, done that, I know absolutely what you have been through. However, my last train ride was 19 hours. David”
  • “Nice picture of a toilet.” SC

Note to inquiring readers–I leave Kherson NOT via train!!! But I have to get up at 3:00 a.m. to go by car to Mykolaiv where I will be able to board an aircraft going to Kyiv!!