Report #25–20, 2021

Featured Photo: Children from Skadovsk, Kherson, Ukraine

The trip continues going well! In this trip we have been involved in actions in a number of places. The added manpower of Caleb, Gif and Nate have been very helpful in allowing us to broaden our actions. I can only imagine how much more we could have done if Chip had been able to come—but he WILL be involved over here next year!

A few days ago, I sent a report about the shipment of children’s new school uniforms about which Charita had been contacted and how that led to Eldon & Steve England transporting these to Searcy and then they were loaded at the LRI Judsonia, AR warehouse. I received a report from Eugenia about these clothes after I had left Kherson.

The above featured photo is some of the children wearing some of these clothes. During my visit to Kherson I was to have visited this location. The children had been practicing a program just for me. But unfortunately, with the elevated C-19 infections we were unable to visit. So, they did the program and sent me a photo.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that makes this mission trip possible!

John L Kachelman Jr Kyiv, Ukraine