Nov 2021 Newsletter

Featured photo: The Church of Christ assembly in Ivano-Frankivsk November 21, 2021. There is a strict lockdown preventing non-vaccinated people from assembling in groups, shopping
in stores and other activities.

Here is the November 2021 UKRAINE MISSIONS Newsletter.

Our brother Ivan Skoleba included this note in his report:

We salute you, our dear brothers and sisters in Christ! We have been able to do a great amount of work this month. The success is because of the help we have from God and you. Unfortunately, lockdown restrictions are still in the way and some members cannot worship in-person. People that are not vaccinated are restricted – they are banned from some stores; they are being fired from their jobs; and, they are forced to be vaccinated against their will. Those that are not fully vaccinated are restricted. Thus, the greater part of our members worships online. Despite the restrictions and a great amount of physical work needed on construction of our church building, we try to preach to people and help them, so that everybody seeking the Lord will hear the Gospel and be saved.

In spite of the restrictions, the congregation continues to be active in the Lord’s service. Read these reports and rejoice in their dedication and service to the Almighty God.

THANK YOU to all who financially support the good works recorded in this month’s report!

To download the November 2021 UKRAINE MISSIONS NEWSLETTER, click this link:


John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Ukraine Missions, Dalraida Church of Christ 3740 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109