Tragedy in Ivano-Frankivsk: Ivan Skoleba’s home burned

(Featured Photo: Looking inside of the burned apartment you can see through the walls!)

We have received news that fire has destroyed Ivan and Sveta Skoleba’s living quarters in Ivano-Frankivsk. Ivan completed purchase of the apartment several years ago. It was on the third floor (top level) of the apartment building. It was in an attic area that had been remodeled as a three-room flat. In recent years several roof leaks had developed and the water had damaged the flat in a number of places. Since Ivan was living on the top floor, the roof repair was his to do, even though multiple families live in the building.

The roof leaks became worse and interior damage significantly increased. Ivan was forced to repair. He checked on loans and secured the necessary funds and was in the process of repairing the roof, the damaged ceilings and walls in his apartment. He and the brothers at Church were doing the repairs to save cost. They were trying to finish before winter’s weather developed.

They were almost finished when the fire destroyed it all. All that had been accomplished was destroyed and the borrowed funds were spent but lay in ashes. Gone were the hours and energy in labor. Gone was the repaired roof. Gone was the interior repairs. Gone was the borrowed funds. All that was left was the debt of the loan’s repayment that was to begin January 2022.

There is no property insurance as we know in the USA. Property owners can buy insurance but it does not pay claims. If you find that concept hard to grasp then try to explain why the top-floor resident is responsible for the repairs, maintenance and even replacement of the roof when 20+ other families reside in the building.

Here is communication from Tanya on this terrible situation the day it occurred:

“Good evening! Ivan’s apartment burnt with all the repairs he’s been doing recently. 3 floors in their apartment building burnt so he has no place to live now. I don’t know if he was able to get anything. He couldn’t talk much because the firemen were there figuring out what had happened. I can’t imagine losing all that he’d done.

He said there was no roof and putting in new roof would cost so much plus he had already had it repaired!! It’s breaking my heart to think of it… 

Please, pray that God will provide for him and his family. 

Thanks. Stay safe! “

Tanya Zozulina

Here is communication from Tanya on this tragic situation the day after with some additional details:

“HI Everybody! Well, I’ve been to Ivan’s apartment and here are the pics of what it looked right after the fire. The men of the congregation have worked there since morning and have covered the roof and have done a few other things. When it all started yesterday a few men were there working and helping Ivan with the repairs. They say it all started in the flicker of a second. Thankfully, they were able to salvage some documents and appliances.

The general take on the situation is that some old wires caused the ignition. Ivan had replaced all old wires so it wasn’t his fault but his neighbor’s. Inspectors came yesterday and they are still estimating the damage. Here’s a brief update on the situation.

Ivan and the family are staying with Ruslan [his son] at the time being. He’s sending big thanks to all of you for prayers. 

Have a blessed day! “

Tanya Zozulina

Bill & Lyuba Wharton are involved in the Ivano-Frankivsk work, as well as action in Toretsk and other locations. Upon learning of the fire Bill & Lyuba sent out this email. His insightful comments add to Tanya’s words:

“Dear friends of the church in Ivano-Frankivsk,

In case you have not heard, on Wednesday, the 15th, a fire created very serious damage at the apartment in which Ivan, Svetlana and daughter Anna lived. Ivan is a dear friend and the preacher for the church. He and his family are the core of the church. Ivan is also the one who has spark plugged the construction of the new church building. 

The damage from the fire is illustrated by the attached photos. Apparently, the fire was caused by some ignition in old electric wiring. Obviously, their apartment and two neighboring ones are unlivable at this time. Ivan and family are temporarily staying in the small two-room apartment of their son Ruslan, his wife and two children.

The Ivano-Frankivsk church is asking for our prayers and support during the long recovery from this catastrophe. There will be major costs for making the apartment livable. There is no such thing as private or government insurance against fire damage. The construction materials are very expensive. Working on the roof in the wintertime with freezing temperatures and snow will be hard and dangerous. We are sure the church members will do all they can to help with labor, but not financially. If you wish to help with their immediate expenses, we will be glad to collect the offerings and send them on. Just mark your checks, “Ukraine Ministry – Skoleba Family.”

We will be happy to supply you with updates.

Please pray for the church and for Ivan and his family.

Bill and Lyuba Wharton

The Dalraida congregation will be coordinating the collection and wiring of funds to assist Ivan & Sveta Skoleba with rebuilding. If you would like to join us in this effort you can send funds to the Dalraida Church of Christ marked “SKOLEBA FAMILY.” We will make sure the funds are properly transferred and reports to donors are made to validate the work.

Dalraida Church of Christ
3740 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, AL 36109

You can also give online using the Ukraine Missions PayPal account. These funds will be transferred to Dalraida and wired to the Skolebas as well.

Please remember this family in your prayers as they recover from this sad situation. Check back here online (and subscribe) for other updates.