Responding to War in Ukraine

UPDATED: 2/24/22 at 10:40 AM to include updated list for Family Buckets & Personal Hygiene Bags

I have received a lot of inquiries since the invasion by Russia into Ukraine overnight. I have reached out to many of our contacts in the Lord’s Church in various cities in Ukraine in hopes to get updates to pass along and determine how we might be able to help our brethren and those affected by Russia’s aggression.

Below is a reply from Anya in Kremenchug:

From: Anya Nura <>
Subject: From John Kachelman <>

Not so good… Air  attacks. Kharkov is under much attack, east too, forces moving towards Kyiv.

We constantly hear sirens. Gas stations are blocked… ATMs have huge lines… Food shops, too

I don’t know how we’ll cope. Please, pray…We need it so much…

From my emails this morning, I understand that a number of the church members in Ivano-Frankivsk are leaving for Poland. The airport in Ivano-Frankivsk (like many other cities) was shelled. They are currently driving.

My son was able to correspond with Inna Kuzmenko (she has interpreted for us on past trips) in Kharkov and although she and her family is safe in that area, they are still being told to seek shelter due to the threats of bombing. No other update from other locations yet.

What Can We Do?

We are beginning to get logistics together to send relief items into Poland to help those that are fleeing to that area. We believe that we can fly these in through the USAF. These will be going to the locations where the refugees from Ukraine can receive them and our brethren will be able to distribute them in the name of the Lord’s Church as well.  This is in the early stages, so we do not have specifics yet. Ivan hopes to secure a licensed NGO when he arrives in Poland and will work with that group to get the supplies and distribute. We are still working to secure logistics so those remaining in Ukraine can also be assisted. At this early point and with communication problems we have little details.

Here are our current actions:

  1. We are securing food supplies that are certified and able to go (Kathy Cadden is working on this)
  2. We are finishing sorting and packing misc. med supplies in Montgomery that can immediately go (we have already been working this week before the invasion).
  3. We are asking congregations to begin to put together FAMILY BUCKETS that can be quickly distributed in the refugee groups and inside Ukraine. Click here or view below for the packing list for buckets (we ask that all buckets contain the same items).
  4. Once buckets are gathered in congregations, we can  collect the FAMILY BUCKETS at any of our cooperating warehouse locations (Searcy/Judsonia, AR; Columbus, MS; Holly Springs, MS; Columbia, TN; Montgomery, AL).

If anyone should know of any sound congregations or mission works in Poland, please let us know as we know that will be a point of benevolence and need in the coming weeks and months.

We will keep you posted as much as possible on the news we receive. As everyone knows, the situation is very fluid at this moment.

Please let people know that they can subscribe to our emails to receive updates and other information on our brethren in Ukraine.

John Kachelman Jr.
Montgomery, AL