UPDATE–Russian Invasion

Just a brief update on our efforts to assist in the relief of those suffering in Ukraine. Things are FLUID so nothing is concrete at this point.

1. We have had wonderful responses regarding the collections for the Family Buckets/Personal Hygiene Bags. These are items that can be quickly collected and are desperately needed.

2. We have been given access to two cargo containers of food; and cargo containers of clothing, personal items, blankets, etc that are critical for refugee camps.

3. We have made good contacts inside Poland with various points that will help us in the work.

4. All collection points are up and going and involved as much as possible at this time.

5. We are still working on developing logistics for the move of these relief supplies. We can ship into Gdansk Port but that will take at minimum one-month and given the delays and confusion in shipping this is not the optimum route. We are continuing to work on the move via USAF into Germany and then via truck into Poland.

6. At this point we are collecting and verifying secure avenues so the items are moved quickly and with integrity.

7. We have inside Poland, and involved in the refugee camps, trusted personnel that have helped us in Ukraine and are now involved assisting the refugees from Ukraine. These are proven in cooperation and proficient in capabilities.

Here is the latest update from our Ivano-Frankivsk brethren. They were stuck in the line to cross into Poland for hours and are still 2 km away. Volodya & Julia have returned as well as Koyla because all young men are being taken to serve in the military—they call it a draft but they simply see a young man and pull him into the truck and take him to fight Russian troops.

пт, 25 лют. 2022 о 13:46 John Kachelman Jr. <john@kachelman.com> пише:

How are you doing? Did you cross border ok? All are praying for you.

From: Qwe

Sent: Friday, February 25, 2022 6:01 AM

Subject: Re: R u OK

    HI! This is TZ My phone doesn’t connect. We are still in the line, 2 kilometers from the border. The latest update is that they are now taking men out on the street and send them to the front line, take vehicles and anything else for war purposes. Men from 18 to 60 are subject to draft without no exception so they are not allowed to cross the border. Volodya, Julia and Kola are on their way back since they are within this age group. PLEASE, pray for our men and the country as well. We suspect that Pasha might be taken to the war. We cannot get hold of him. Will send more updates later on. Thank you so much for prayers, encouragement, love and concern.

From: Володимир Дідух

Sent: Friday, February 25, 2022 6:05 AM

Subject: Re: R u OK

No, we are didn’t! We go back! We have full mobilisation of men to Ukrainian military!

Only women and kids can leave the country!

So we are staying in Ivano and will help all our church members and refuges! If someone want to support us in this, please let us know!

Ivan with his family and Tanya and Andriy with his family and my mom are still in a line try to cross the border in a magic way! We will know at the evening if they do this or not!


There has been some media coverage on our relief efforts. Here are three media events from yesterday:

John Durham & Gary Jerkins interview on Nashville’s channel 5! https://www.newschannel5.com/news/crisis-in-ukraine-hits-close-to-home-for-nashville-nonprofit-serving-youth-in-the-country

John Kachelman & Charita Shteynberg interview on Wichita Falls, TX NewsTalk1290 https://newstalk1290.com/exclusive-interview-with-former-ukraine-citizen-on-american-liberty/ 

Mike Lawson on Knoxville, TN WVLT
