God’s Providence Amidst War

Update February 27, 2022

Today has been a non-stop day of contacts for all involved in this relief effort. Charita has been inundated with requests from anyone in Ukraine who has known either her or me ever in life. Arranging transportation for items that we already have is essential! One of the biggest helps can be you contacting your Congressional officials and ask them to contact me about getting airlift support for humanitarian aid going into Gdansk, Poland.

Good news of today (besides the below) is that Charita and I talked with the Embassy of Ukraine in Gdansk, Poland who assured us that our shipments are green-lit and they will receive land transport without charge!

Now for an amazing lesson from today—God’s providential care. Those evacuating Ivano-Frankivsk were unaware of any congregations in Poland. From what I have learned so far, there are four fully-established congregations in all of Poland. When our brethren and friends fled Ukraine there was a troubling uncertainty about where they would be relocated and who would be able to help them once they found a place to settle. From today’s email exchanges, we have learned that they were relocated to the city of Worclaw. Providentially, this is one of the locations where an established congregation is found! When Tanya and the others reached out today, we were able to see just how God helps take care of his people.

Sunday, February 27, 2022 4:44 AM

Hi! Looks like we might stay in Wroclaw. Christie is here and she could help us with the language and other things. Anya knows Polish so she helped us with it. From yesterday’s communication I understood there’s church in Wrocław. Could you, please, get the address and contact info for us. At this point there’s already apartment for Marina and her children. We are waiting for one more apartment. Poland doesn’t work on Sunday, even stores, except some food stores. So we might spend another day in the temporary lodging and move out tomorrow. The free apartments are not available any more. And the place that they were in is a village where we would trouble communicating and other things. So, at this point we are staying here, at least, till God will provide something else. Please, find out information about the church in Wrocław.

Please, give big thanks to our brethren there for prayers, support, encouragement and love!!! Love from all of us here!!


Sunday, February 27, 2022 5:36 AM (from John Kachelman Jr.)

YES church is in Wroclaw—see below!! Marilu is the person with whom I have been communicating.

From: Marilu Bartczak
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2022 2:36 AM

Greetings from Wroclaw, Poland!  Yes, our congregation would be honored to be included in distributing help in as much as we are able. In reference to the shipment in Gdansk, 2 names come to mind of brethren near there that could help – Molly Dawidow in Sopot. And Robert Nowik in Gdynia. Sopot, Gdansk & Gdynia are the tri-cities in the North of Poland. We are in the West/Southern part (closer to Czech & Germany). 

Another congregation is in Warsaw where Lukasz & Nicole Kondracki live. In the center of Poland there is another missionary family in Lodz – Brandon & Jessica Zorn. In other cities, there are individual Christians & contacts.

Thank you for sharing with us about these wonderful plans. Praying God will stop the war soon, and that our Christian Ukrainian brethren can get to safety & have what they need. 🙏

Greetings in Christ,
The Bartczak family

Sunday, February 27, 2022 6:52 AM

Hi! Have just talked with Marilu! 


Heard from Tanya later in the day as she gave us an update.

Sunday, February 27, 2022 2:55 PM

We are still in a temporary place. We still need to find one more apartment. Marilu said that they could help us pay if we had to stay another day in this place. That was so nice of them. Hopefully we’ll have lodging taken care of (Christie and Maryna are working on that) and won’t need to stay here. I’ll call Maria tomorrow morning and get info on the Refugee Centers and locations. I will translate Ivan’s email first thing in the morning. I think he isn’t planning to come here but is planning for containers needed in Ukraine. NN says he has about 400 children in his camp in Yaremche. He says he doesn’t have enough food. Kids are so frightened that every time they hear noise they hide under tables, chairs, beds… There’s a lot of humanitarian aid efforts underway in Ivano-Frankivsk. I wish I were there not here but believe and pray that God will use me here to help my country and do His will.

We are about to go to bed. Tomorrow looks busy. Thanks for all the help and prayers!

Love to all,

The End of the Day

It is incredible to see how our brethren have been able to be in one of the locations in Poland where the Lord’s church can help minister to them! The blood of Christ that brings His Church together definitely makes this world a much smaller place.

As I reflect on this day, it has been full of all kinds of emotions. Today was a full day. All in our group had a day of “phones blowing up.” Charita, Gary Jerkins, myself, Johnny, Gif and all involved were receiving messages, texts, or phone calls. Our worship at Dalraida was focused on serving with devout labors. I presented a brief report on the situation in Ukraine and the opportunities presented to serve those in trials. Nick’s thoughts at Communion, Jeremey’s sermon, Mitchell’s sincere prayer and Josh’s song leading added to the focus. Afterwards I was on the phone with a number of contacts and those partnering with us–David Lawyer in Searcy, Gary Jerkins in Nashville, Brian, Bekah, Shaun and Rachel in Columbia, Jerry Morgan in Holly Springs, and Charita in NJ all communicated the amazing developments in our mission to show God’s compassion to Ukraine!

Our focus is best summed up in Tanya’s mention about those 400 children sheltering in Yaremche. After discussion with Charita we will be able to help immediately because we have 20 tons of donated food cached just west of Lviv!

Closing this day is the comforting thought which also began this morning–God’s Providence is watching over us, opening opportunities for us and, providing the means for us to accomplish the tasks before us! Thank you for your partnership and your willingness to be involved!