Today’s update continues giving information on developments within the previous 24 hours. We are continuing actions in these areas:
- Continuing to get airlift support from the US government so we can fly in critically needed medical and food supplies. We have excellent support from the private sector but the Government is an abysmal failure locked in total dysfunction—I have had staffers from Senators and Representative admit they “cannot do anything” about the Administration’s refusal to airlift humanitarian aid (which has been done many times before!). Do not ask me for my frank opinion on this…
- The Family Bucket project has taken a life of its own! Forty congregations in the Nashville, TN area are collecting 10,000 Family Buckets! The featured photo shows the beginning of these that are stored at the Healing Hands warehouse and the other photos below show how empty buckets are being taken by all these congregations to get filled. We plan to load and ship all of these from that location in Nashville.
- Family Buckets/Personal Hygiene Bags are also being collected by congregations and individuals in other States: AL, AR, KY, MO, OH, OR, TN, WA. A full container will ship about 2,242 buckets (some buckets may be larger/smaller than 5 gallons) with space at the top to cram in other needed commodities (hygiene bags; clothing; etc). Once any location gathers about this amount we will be scheduling the loading of containers with the collected buckets and items.
- The preparation for airlifting the critical supplies is crawling but at least it is moving. We do have a solid, reputable contact. The first pallets are ready in Montgomery, AL. These supplies include any triage supplies (blood clotting agents; tourniquets; etc).
- We have food being delivered to Columbia, TN and Holly Springs, MS that will be loaded onto containers with Family Buckets.
Contact in Romania
I received a phone call last night from brethren asking me about refugees from the churches in Ukraine going to Romania. The Romanian brethren are setting up to assist any refugees but especially want to know of brethren fleeing to their country to escape the Russian evil. This point of action is spearheaded by David Gibson, Valley View Church of Christ (Jonesboro, AR). Here is an edited note from David who is currently in Romania:
Romania is receiving many refugees fleeing Ukraine. Romania shares a common border with Ukraine in the southeastern part of Ukraine. The church in Cluj, Romania is the closest church to this part of Ukraine. We intend to help according to need and ability. By “we” I mean the American brethren through our Romanian Ministry which is under the oversight of the Valley View church of Christ, Jonesboro, AR. Please understand this will be an evolving ministry over the next few weeks or months. Pray for a group of Romanian brethren who are leaving in the morning with food and supplies for the Ukrainian border. They are Dragos Vintilla (Cluj Preacher), Vasile Ihous (Oradea Preacher) and another brother from Cluj. Romania is 8 hours ahead of us in time so they are already loaded and will leave about 11pm our time tonight. They are charged with delivering our 1st load of food and from the churches of Christ to this border area, attempting to contact members of the churches of Christ from Ukraine and assessing how we can best assist as many as possible and determining as best we can what the situation is on the ground. The trip from Cluj to the Ukrainian border is 3 hours. David Gibson”
David Gibson
If you know of any information on Christians fleeing from Ukraine to Romania, please send to David Gibson at davidgibsonem@gmail.com.
From Tanya
Our men have given away lab coats, napkins, orthopedic supplies, surgical tools, scrubs. All cardio supplies have been given to surgeons. Ruslan is in a village guarding the entrance to the city with other men. They are storing some food and gasoline. Our men have collected all the leftover meds and give them to the hospitals. Doctors are very thankful to our American brethren and church for help. Big, big thanks to all of you! We love you and thank GOD for you!!!”
Our brethren in Ivano-Frankivsk continue to distribute the aid that we have already shipped there and that has been stored at the church building. (See pics below) Keep these men in your prayers as they continue to do what they can in the name of the Lord’s Church to help Ukraine.
From Ukrainian Government
Dear John, we do not give up, we have nowhere to run, we really need your help:
– Personal hygiene products
– tactical / tourist clothing and footwear
– creams, tents, sleeping bags
– detergents, candles, linen
– fabrics, field / camping furniture for temporary accommodation of people
– stove heating / stoves, large tents, air mattresses
We believe in victory, we pray! Peace be upon us all!
In addition, we would like to inform you about the simplified procedure for crossing the state border for cars transporting humanitarian aid. As of March 1, 2022 the Government approved Resolution No. 174 “Some Issues of Passing Humanitarian Aid Across Ukraine’s Customs Border in Martial Law”, which stipulates that crossing Ukraine’s customs border with humanitarian aid is carried out WITHOUT non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity. inclusion of applicants in the USR of recipients of humanitarian aid, WITHOUT providing a decision on the recognition of goods as humanitarian aid on the basis of accompanying documents or a declaration completed by the person transporting the goods (declaration form). At the same time, the Procedure for customs clearance of humanitarian aid cargoes, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 22, 2000 № 544, is NOT APPLIED.
From Charita
A group of 50 physicians and 25 nurses from the Chicago area contacted us. They are asking us to get them into Poland and Ukraine so they can assist on-going operations. They are paying ALL their expenses!”
Follow Up Note
In yesterday’s update, I had a report on donations and cautioned you to be aware of possible scams and make sure donations and spending were transparent. Some questions were received regarding those type of fund raising efforts. The red-flag was that no one would say who was receiving the donations, where the donations are kept, and there was no accountability to the donors. I just continue to caution everyone to be aware of your giving! Encourage others to give to places and people that are both reputable and that will provide accountability for what they are doing with donated funds.
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