Daily Update – 3/9/22

Featured Image: “Dear John hello. I helped people and got under fire. Truth and God are on our side. We will win!!!” (Yuriy R)

Anastasia: “I am in Ivano-Frankivsk but my family is in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kherson and Lviv. They are alive and yes, I am safer than most of them. Trying to help however – I only can.”

Our First Medical Team Arrives in Poland

One physician and 2 nurses arrived and easily cleared Customs. They are on their way to Lublim where a refugee camps is located.

First team arrived in Poland with full bags of supplies including meds, no issues all well.”

Joe Howton, M.D.

We are currently working on a request from a group of 50 physicians and nurses from the Chicago, IL area. These are specialists in trauma, orthopedics, etc.

Air Cargo Transportation Update

It appears that all recourse to appeal for available space on the government’s transportation aircraft are dead. We have continued pursuing the space available on cargo crafts in the private sector. Thus far we have been able to ship THREE air cargos out of Georgia and Oregon!  It is wonderful to receive this follow-up: “Yes, the cargo flew this evening.  I’ll update you with the delivery information as soon as possible.”

However, there is still a slight glimmer of hope as indicated in this communication from a TN POC:

Quick update – we are working with the TN Department of Military to evaluate transportation options. Based on today’s updates from Military and the coordination that is ongoing through National Guard Bureau (NGB), I don’t expect an update until the end of the week. I’ll give you another update no later than Friday.”

The 400 Children housed in a summer camp and without food

Thanks to the daughter of John & Marcille Durham there will be food provided. “By the way, The World Central Kitchen contacted Tanya yesterday and appears to be committing to helping Nikolai’s kids.  Will update you as we learn more, but they texted Allison last night to say that things were moving along.

From Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters!

We turn to all who might be able to help us. Due to the war, thousands of internally displaced people have come to Western Ukraine from the East and other cities of Ukraine. All lodging that was available for rent has been rented by those that can afford it. Those that are less fortunate could hardly get here. They live in their cars now waiting to be helped.

The Church here is providing food and water for them, but they are exhausted and weak and need lodging. We have available space inside our church building. But it is still incomplete for such activity. We need to buy beds, rugs, mattresses, put in showers and toilets. We have finished heating and have plumbing ready. There are 8 rooms available on the first floor. We could easily make them available to the IDP’s. If we can purchase the above mentioned things we will be able to house them as soon as possible. If you can help us with money to purchase all that is needed then we can offer shelter for many IDPs.

We are doing all we can here. We are helping hospitals and surgeons who treat wounded.

Thank you for your prayers and support

Men of the congregation: Ivan, Volodymyr, Mycholi, Ruslan, Pavlo, Andrew

From Poland

We are OK. About to go to bed. Hope you will rest well. Marilu and another family from Church brought lots of clothes for us. Some were able to find a few things but Masha got many items, even shoes. We will probably take the rest to the train station for the refugees who have nothing.

I’m trying to send more info as connection is better today. How did loading go? Was there good crew? Need to get busy. We had our first Polish language class today at 4:00 p.m.

Have a great and blessed day!

Tanya Zozulia

Collecting Buckets

Bekah, can you receive approximately 400 buckets sometime on Thursday or Friday? We also will likely have some freeze-dried food and items like clothing. Thank you”

Mike Lawson (Lenoir City, TN)

At least 150 buckets coming from Westgate Church of Christ in Dothan, AL next Tuesday!”


Graymere and South Gate will pack 500 buckets on Thursday.”

Columbia, TN

One of our deacons, Will James, talked to Brian; he has taken the buckets to Columbia this evening; he also took a big part of the boxes of clothes. My understanding is that he will take the rest of them tomorrow. Thx for your help so we can provide this assistance.”

Stephen Rogers (Portland, TN)

Our project in Nashville, TN is possibly the largest of our locations—10,000 buckets! Over 40 congregations are working to accomplish this historic event. Special thanks to Gary Jerkins, Ron Swang, and John Durham for initiating this fantastic feat. The buckets are available and will be collected and loaded from the HHI warehouse.

All of these Family Buckets are being planned to target the IDPs and Refugee Camps in Poland, Romania, and other locations that are currently developing. Today we have had extensive discussion with brethren in Romania. We began today developing the protocol for our Romanian efforts.

Note: That in each delivery location we have secure means of transportation into Ukraine as well as into the neighboring nations.


Total Value sent $1,163,965.00—buckets, tents, air mattresses, clothing, hygiene kits, rice meals, canned pork, canned beans, canned corn, medical disposals! 7 containers + 3 air cargo. We have 14 projects on the board and some booked for next few weeks!

NOTE: I will be leaving for Poland in a few days. Andrew (Gif) Gifford is in place to takeover on this side while I am gone. I WILL NOT have phone service while gone. I will have email as much as the connections permit. I will NOT be receiving any phone calls. Do not call me but call Gif for matters relating to our Ukraine War relief.  Gif’s mobile: 770-596-6545; Email: andrew.gifford@faulkner.edu.

Each day is filled with amazing developments. THANK YOU for being a part of this effort.

John L. Kachelman, Jr.