Basic developments
Among the many things with which we have been involved, there is one that is most practical. We have established contact with a man who is willing to help the refugees find jobs in whatever city they are located! The jobs depend upon the skills of the person. The jobs range the spectrum of employment. This is a critical development because the refugee situation is not going to be resolved quickly. The harsh reality is that this is a long-term matter. Those who have been displaced, either inside the nation or have fled to outside nations, need to find employment.
Here is the practical application of the Lord’s urging in Luke 14:28, 31, “first sit down and calculate the cost.” When you begin any action the most basic questions ask, “How will that action develop to conclusion? If you begin how will you end? If you go in, how will you get out?” Proverbs 22:3. We MUST think sustainability. The most basic sustaining need is employment. This provides the refugees with self-respect and economic independence.
Many Ukrainians have worked and attended universities in Poland previously so this is not a novel suggestion. Some will say they want to return and I understand that, BUT in some instance “return” is not possible at this time. Let the brethren who have been displaced use this situation to come together in regular worship reaching out to their neighbors. In the midst of this evil is an opportunity to see Acts 8:4 repeated!
Fast & Furious
Each day on this trip brings a number of urgencies that must be addressed. Yesterday, I had 3 4-stars chasing me and a number of full-birds PLUS others. I lose track of the day of the week! But all is invigorating and good. Today we are trying to move a load of food from London to Ukraine. This morning I received this message, “We have couple difficulties with food from R. Point is, this is considering as food, and UK customs would need to go thru it as normal procedure, result is cost and time. To avoid this, we can ship it to charity found in Ireland and from Ireland to Ukraine. I am in process of research both options, will let you know ASAP.”
So many are assisting in this project that it is almost impossible to keep track. It is WONDERFUL! I believe we are close to having participation in all 48 contiguous States! Here is a message I just received during the night: “My name is DG from Lake Dallas Church of Christ. We are wondering if any churches in the Dallas area are collecting the buckets for Ukraine?” I appreciate the explanation given by this congregation on their website of how to become a Christian: “We believe that anyone can be saved through faith (John 8:24, Heb.11:6), repentance (Luke 13:3), and water baptism (Mark 16:16). God thereby washes away our sins (Acts 22:16) and adds us to His church (Acts 2:47). He does not add us to a church that wears the name of a man or tradition, but one that wear Jesus’ name.”
We continue to be excited and encouraged about all those wanting to join us in these efforts to send aid to help Ukraine during these times! Everyday we get more contacts and deliveries from people who care enough to take some action and provide a little hope in these times of crisis.
The Sylacauga Church of Christ and Buckets
The Sylacauga brethren have been a major supporter of Chip McEwen’s mission trips into Ukraine. They have participated in collections for previous shipments. Chip McEwen spoke there about the Ukraine relief budget project and took 15 buckets. Mike Kiser, evangelist, asked Chip to bring another 15 for a total of 30. After services in the fellowship room people were picking up buckets and one person had mentioned we could fill at least a total of 50 if they had them. Chip picked up another 20 buckets and delivered them to the church building the next day. Roy Johnson is an elder there, the Executive Director of Lads-to-Leaders and also a county commissioner of Clay County Alabama. Roy wanted some buckets for the county to fill. He came by Dalraida and picked up 25 buckets to take for Clay County. The demand from county departments was so great Roy picked more buckets up and then Chip picked up another 20 and dropped them off at the L2L offices on Tuesday. This was around 75 buckets total at that point.
Mike told Chip they had requests for more buckets. Chip picked up another 5 from Dalraida and dropped them off with Roy at L2L to have at the Wednesday service in Sylacauga. At the same time Roy told Chip that Clay County was asking for more buckets. Chip took another 25 to Roy at the L2L office. This makes about 100 for Clay County at the moment.
Seeing the way God’s providence is moving so many hearts to help in our Ukraine Mission efforts at this time is encouraging. Here is a small congregation with around 100 members who will have 55 buckets for pickup on the 27th to go in the container shipping at the end of the month and somewhere around another 100+ from Clay County, Alabama. God is using compassionate hearts to help the refugee efforts!
We are working in his Kingdom to relieve the suffering of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. This will open doors for the gospel. This will show the compassion and love we have for them as they face this terrible trial in their country at this time. I hope they will see how God’s people are united in him and when one is hurting we all hurt with them and will try and help them as we can. I will be praying that all shipments are easily and quickly transported so we can get the items into people’s hands asap!”
Chip McEwan
Continued Action on obtaining Military Air Transport
I am going to stop by Barry Moore’s congressional office and see how they can help you with the Denton program support you told me about just before you left. I’m sorry it has taken me over 2 weeks to get this done, but I have been working a bunch of days during that period and have not been able to get up there but I will today, I promise!”
May be some encouraging news…maybe…I just learned that our request for ‘as available’ air cargo freight has made its way from the ‘Hill’ to the DOS & Pentagon…add this to your prayers…Наш Бог є дивовижним Богом!”
John Durham is in Romania and is helping with some of our humanitarian efforts for refugees in that country. He is trying to help with some coordination to receive a cargo container that was diverted to Romania from its original destination of Odessa before the war.
Ady [our consignee in Romania] really needs the info so he can get the container through customs and begin the process of shipping it to Ukraine. We had been told that in addition to shelling Odessa that the harbor had been mined and mines were floating into international waters and toward the waters around Romania and Bulgaria. I will send you an update of our activities here hopefully later today.
John D”
Keep John D. in your prayers and the Christians in that country to make an impact with these items as they receive and distribute.
We continue to get requests from other locations to try and help ship containers to help people there. Bulgaria has now been added to that list.
Hi John,
We just received pleas from Bulgaria. The Bulgarians will move supplies as long as the inventory is clear. Your guidelines. We have a very reliable contact. Will tell you more about him later (during communism was put in jail and beaten—when the Communists put a sign on his door saying the church door was closed, he just made another door. He is now looked upon favorably by the Bulgaria Government.
They are getting a stream of Ukrainian Refugees. Will we be able to ship a couple of containers to Bulgaria? If not, we understand. Thank you for your consideration in this matter! Be Safe & Be Blessed Man of God!
Linda G.
Media Coverage in Knoxville
In a previous report I mentioned that there was an interview done by a Knoxville News station about our work in Ukraine in conjunction with the Hardin Valley church of Christ (where Mike Lawson works from). It aired last night. Wanted to share this good report and exposure for the Lord’s Church.
Please continue to keep all of these things in your prayers…and especially the people of Ukraine.
John L Kachelman Jr.
(Warsaw, Poland)
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