Report #17 – April 3, 2022

The family that moved from Kharkiv that found living quarters in a one-room house; the Ivano-Frankivsk congregation bought them food and clothing.

The Church in Ivano-Frankivsk is continues to work hard to visit and assist with those displaced from the east. One family with little children moved west from Kharkiv away from the intense shelling by Russian forces. Fortunately, they found living quarters in a one-room house. You can see the cook stove and oven to the left in the picture. The Church in Ivano-Frankivsk bought them food and gave them some clothing.

From Ivan in Ivano-Frankivsk

It is from Ivano-Frankivsk that we send greetings to our dear brothers and sisters! We are praising God for your prayers which makes it still the opportunity to gather in Ivano-Frankivsk. Sunday is the Lord’s Day and we will assemble to pray, read the Bible, take Lord’s Supper, preach and give offering of money to our great God.

It is now a difficult time for us as Russia’s war is almost 40 days old. It is very psychologically uncomfortable to feel like a target for Russian troops and bombs. Our terrors of air raid alarms is a daily event. It is this savage action that gives us understanding of what Russia says is their “help.”

We are seeing each day thousands fleeing from the Russian bombs and this is the consequences of Russia’s ‘help’ for Ukraine. How can one imagine ‘help’ as destroying entire cities and murdering innocent children? We are doing what we can to offer comfort and hope to those who have lost everything. You dear brothers and sisters have joined with us and your partnership makes possible all we do.

Evil rules this world and such trials for us are common, so we all pray to God to give us the strength to pass this test and stand in the faith.  the Lord has allowed

As my brothers and I are helping refugees and now we are trying to make rooms in the Church building to accommodate people there. Every day they become more and more.

We are also sending aid to eastern Ukraine, where people are sitting in basements hungry and unable to buy anything. We have a corridor to Kharkiv and Zaporizhia where we are trying to help in some way.

Our meetings are still held on Sunday from 11.00 to 13.00 in the rented room. Also, on Wednesday, if possible, we connect from 18.00 to 19.00. And on Friday prayer from 18.00.

We truly thank our brothers and sisters for their financial support. Thanks to you, we can do a lot of good. May the Lord give you blessings and protection, protect you from sin and blasphemy. And he will never allow such madness as in Ukraine to strike your nation.

We love you! In Christ are your brothers and sisters.

Ivan Skoleba

Part of the items being purchased by our brethren in Ivano-Frankivsk are sleeping mats. These are the lightweight mats that many hikers use backpacking. Here is a photo of a delivery of these by the Church in Ivano-Frankivsk to a First Aid station where IDPs check in.

Continuing Successes

At times it seems that we are not making much of an impact. Almost instantly after those thoughts I receive communication validating just how much of a difference YOU are making.

Look at the faces of that family in the featured photo. They have experienced personal horrors and losses that only they can understand. You will notice that the father is missing—he is involved in the Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invaders.

Reports from Mariupol are heartbreaking and cannot be fully reported at this time. There are about 160,000 still in Mariupol and they are putting up strong resistance. Thankfully we have assets that can assist those there but it is a very minimal measure. The same situation is found in Kharkiv. We have brothers and sisters in these besieged cities and they need you to be in constant prayer for their safety and victory. Odesa was heavily shelled last night from Russian warships on the Black Sea. The savagery of war is in full display across Ukraine.

In spite of all appearances of evil’s success, we KNOW that God is in control and He “is accomplishing a work in your days—You would not believe it even if you were told!” (Habakkuk 1:5). Our duty is not to sit and bemoan and attempt explanations as to the unanswerable “whys.” Our duty is to stand ready and respond instantly to go forward! Some find it more comfortable and convenient to excuse any action and involvement. All cannot do everything but all can do something that is within their range of ability and opportunity.

A PERSONAL NOTE: With the last point mentioned a simple operational fact comes to mind. The Russian military is based upon a strict central command policy. This means that the troops cannot do anything unless the commands come down the line. If the command is removed then the troops are paralyzed. Thus far it has been reported that SIX Russian Generals have been killed along with numerous Colonels. This has dramatically impaired operation protocol.

In contrast, God expects His followers to accept personal responsibility and act, not from a central command but, from an immediate and reasoned response to the opportunities made available—each person has multiple opportunities to act, many chose to sit and do nothing and actually dissuade those who want to be active. Accountability will be measured in blunt terms to all (look at this principle in Judges 5:23). The simple lesson—Do Not excuse personal responsibility by appealing to the command-chain. If you do so your efforts will become paralyzed! This is basic operational protocol in EVERY action.

“Amazing” continues to be the word describing actions here and there! Please continue remembering Ukraine and all involved in the relief efforts in your prayers.

John L. Kachelman, Jr
(Warsaw, Poland)