I have returned to Montgomery, AL after a very successful trip. The trip originally was planned to do several things but none of the preplanning worked—EVERY detail was changed. And the change was for the better! This trip allowed us to access and network with some significant parties and develop assets that will help our efforts become much more effective.
Upon my return, I have been instantly thrust into operations that are sending critical items for the relief efforts. The two critical needs are medical and food. Currently we have six containers of food sitting and waiting for shipment. Some of the shipping expenses are covered and others are not. The food is packed & ready to ship.
Altogether we have had 41 shipments into Ukraine since March 6! This eclipses the total for all of last year (which was 33). Thus far, in the shipments distributed, we have surpassed $11 million in value. And we still have double-digit containers on the water! We have shipped via air, sea and land transport within Europe. We secured a shipment of food from London and paid for its delivery to Odesa, Kharkiv, Zolota and other locations. We have been able to get baby formula, food, aid medicals into some areas that were “impossible.” But we have photos and video showing that it can be accomplished with the correct assets.
We are continuing to load containers—this week we load out of Ft. Smith, AR where C.U.R.E. has assembled a container inventory of over $300K. We will also load a container out of Judsonia/Searcy, AR and its inventory will be around $200K. by the end of this week we should surpass 50 shipments!
The huge shipment of meds/pharmaceuticals (272 pallets/11 truckloads) that was donated has now been moved to Staten Island, NY and is scheduled to fly out to Ukraine on 18 APR. We have assembled a professional team who will separate and transport this shipment to hospitals throughout Ukraine. The conservative value of this shipment is $45 million!
Brethren Continue To Unite
Our network continues to grow as congregations in Canada, Poland, and other locations are joining us. We have made significant contacts and networking with incredible assets in the USA and in the nations surrounding Ukraine. We have developed contacts of integrity with Ukraine’s governing that allows some unbelievable opportunities.
One congregation, mentioned before, in Arizona has started their own bucket campaign and has rallied the support of area congregations to help them get enough to send a shipment to Ukraine. Glenn Mabley, an elder at Sun Valley church of Christ, was able to tell the local news about their congregation’s efforts to help Ukraine. Watch the footage below (and share to social media to spread the good news!).
Christians in Ukraine
Vova Paziy and his family had been in Kramatorsk until the Russian invasion and bombing began. AFter which they fled west and they have settled in with the Christians in Ivano-Frankivsk. Read Vova’s report below and rejoice that even in the midst of these struggles that we are seeing God’s Word continue to spread and be taught. These Christians are bringing a true spirit of fellowship together as they join together and encourage one another during these times.
Work in Romania
John Durham continues working in Romania and he sent this note,
Another busy but fulfilling week with some of the most wonderful people – Ukrainian and Romanian – that you will ever meet!
His latest report is posted here:
THANK YOU for the financial support that funded this trip; for the prayers that assured the providential guidance and protection during this trip; and, for your kind words of encouragement!
The trip reports have provided insight into this trip but, Inspiration’s words provide a better summary of actions/events, “behold, the half of it was not reported” (1 Kings 10:7).
“Amazing” continues to be the word describing actions here and there! Please continue remembering Ukraine and all involved in the relief efforts in your prayers.
John L. Kachelman, Jr
(Montgomery, Alabama)
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