Wanted to share a post and video slideshow from my daughter Bekah on the good work in Columbia, TN for our efforts in Ukraine. I hope you find it as encouraging as I did.
In the immediate days after the war on Ukraine started, my dad let me know a good way to help would be to get together family buckets with items needed for the people in harms way and those who had fled. I immediately called our missions minister Jon Winchester and he agreed to take on the task with me to get a shipment of buckets to the Ukraine.
Bekah Coggins
We got the word out, we had so so so many willing and generous people donate, and we went to work shopping for a container full of buckets. But, so many donations came that we did another container. This time with backpacks for the kids, more buckets, clothing and baby items. Then, so many donations were left we agreed a third container could be done!
As of today, we have sent three containers with 3,938 buckets to Ukraine full of needed items for refugees!
We have also sent hygiene items, kids backpacks, blankets, a dental chair, and a whole lot more that I’m forgetting!
What an experience. I had just been released from cast to boot after my foot surgery from the beginning of the year and was still very much so recovering when we started this. I am so thankful for this experience to literally get me back on my feet!
Our congregation, along with so many volunteers from our schools, community and other congregations made this possible. The generosity of those that gave funds made this possible! Those that showed up to help in the cold, POURING RAIN, and extreme heat made this happen! I’m thankful for our church family and some very incredible workers! From the daunting task of grouping silverware, counting and more counting, to those willing to lift and pass and stack… it all came together.
At the end of this video you see a few photos of our arrived buckets. Great things are happening because of these buckets.
Don’t forget to stay up to date on my dads ongoing mission work and reports about these very buckets and more on www.Kachelman.com
Thank y’all so much- those that have helped during every single step. I’m thankful for those that did this right along with me!![]()
To God be the glory, great things He has done!
Say a prayer of thanksgiving today for all we have been able to do as a Christian family for the people of Ukraine. It is amazing to see how brethren in many states have pulled together in working, filling buckets, giving funds, and more to help those we see in need.
I have been enjoying going to various congregations and giving updates on our cooperated work. Please let me know if your congregation (or one you know) would like for me to come and speak and I would be happy to try and schedule it in the near future.
Thank you all for your support and prayers!
John Kachelman Jr.
(Montgomery, Alabama)
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